
I don’t recall her age bring stated in the movie, but considering Karen Allen was 30 and Ford was 40 and she hadn’t seen him in 10 years I don't really see the whole rapey angle.

I don’t have any evidence one way or the other, it just seems too cliche. Like that white woman saying she got mugged by two black guys. The only thing that could make it more cliche is if they sped off in a pickup truck with a confederate flag in the back.

The fundamental problem is that race is entirely made up concept. It’s an artificial line that can be placed anywhere to separate people into groups. Depending on your purpose you could say Indo-European race or white race or Slavic race or Polish race or Jewish race. None of these things are actually real, there is

Free agents have even less incentive to risk injury without a contract. The teams already have all the tape they need to make free agent decisions.  There really is just no way to fix it. 

The ratings are declining because the Oscars are too long, but they are also kind if boring. The solution to the time issue isn't to cut the only actual entertaining aspect of the show. 

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It is not at all weird to love a grocery store. I have HEB tattooed on my arm.

The thing about Mr. Rogers is that anyone who grew up in America and is between the age of 16 and 60 is automatically a fan. I didn’t watch it because I don’t like crying.

It is too small and too far away to be any good at being Earth’s celestial sweeper. If the Earth was a soccer goal, the moon would be a man with his arms outstretched at midfield circling around that goal once a month.  Not much of a defense there.

Poop is a waste product so it falls into its own category along with carrion and fallen leaves. A vegan can happily eat poop as long as it is foraged from wild animals. 

The funny thing is the mythology of Texas by Texans goes something like:

Everyone thinks it is bullshit.

That's actually the point. The only reason to buy the Pinkerton name is to associate your business with the old West company. The type of people wanting to hire their services appreciate their unsavoury reputation. People wanting to hire mercs aren't exactly woke.  A little Streisand effect is free advertising.

I actually like Wendy's fries. They have an extra potatoey flavor that I'm sure is artificially added and I'm a sucker for potato skins. They are their own thing, you're not getting the crispy double fried goodness of some of the others and when they mess them up they are the worst.


Burger King - obvious reasons

This is exactly what you should do.  What a mature and healthy attitude. 

Bo Jackson said he doesn’t think he could pull off two sports today because the training has become too specialized. 

The name is from the three star constellation it is next to. I don't think it is visible in either image. 

I always roll with the suction cup mount and battery pack.

I always roll with the suction cup mount and battery pack.