
Who’s that young man lead singing on that Daft Punk video.  He’s really talented.  I think he’s going to be a big star when he grows up.

A good ref would have tried harder not to affect the match in a championship final. To analogize to basketball, swallow the whistle. That said, Serena was in the wrong. She is old and experienced enough to not get rattled and lose her composure. The official applied the rules properly each time. Ultimately Serena was


Shit, at this point I miss having a President that didn’t have a severe narcasistic personality disorder.

I would do a bit more research before discontinuing the drug. There are some questions you can ask yourself and your doctor. Are patients with Mitral valve prolapse at greater risk for the cardiovascular problems observed? Have you tried other NSAIDs (ibuprophen, naproxen) or acetaminophen and had success in managing

I like Five Guys and the seasoning they put on their fries, but their food is good for exactly 148 seconds.  Once their food starts cooling down buns and fries get super soggy.  They need to dehydrate that stuff before they cook it.

Honestly, if you are not going to brush it off, this is the only other way to respond.  Go big or go home.

I raise an objection: The point about parents needing their phones is out of order. We somehow survived and raised kids as a species up to 15 years ago without have to be in contact 24/7 with whoever is looking out for their kids. In fact having to figure out stuff on our own is a great way to learn how to do shit and

Pflugerville is Greater Austin

City of San Antonio is about as far from Trump Kuntry as you can be. He got charged because he’s a grown ass man assaulting a child. At a Whataburger no less. That’s like Holy Ground to us.

Don’t get me wrong, I think the overreaction to the over prescription of opiates is bad and the way chronic pain patients have had their meds taken away from them is terrible medicine. The spike in opiate related deaths started when public policy changes took people off pain meds they became dependent on.  As I said,

And she didn't change clothes. She readjusted the clothes she was wearing. Umpire shouldn't have said shit. 

I’ll be honest with you, long term opiate therapy for treatment of chronic arthritis pain is a bad option. I’m sure at this point, you know a lot about pain management and your mother’s specific condition, so I don’t presume to judge.  I put long term opiate therapy in the same category as back surgery...last resort

****hard plastic helmet, not metal*****

This thing is impossible. Basically the intent is that it is illegal to do anything you wouldn’t do if we didn’t give you these metal helmets. That seemed to be what the simple original wording of the rule stated. Then as they considered all the implications, it was slowly but surely killed until we finally have this

I’ve seen this story play out. People are all for it. Then you get Sarah Palin and Donald Trump’s to remind them that all includes everyone and not just normal” white people. Then all of a sudden it’s just a program for a bunch of takers and Welfare queens and we can't have that. 

Cut them some slack. Three years earlier they were drinking nothing but milk and only moved on to applesauce and mushy peas a year after that. Crusts to them are as adventurous as those pickled scorpions at the Beijing market are to you with your thirty years of pallet development. 

Divorced this year.

My mom is from Scotland, so when we were little, it was only place she could go to get fish n chips. Always loved the extra bits of fried batter they threw in the bottom of the basket.