
No. That’s not enough.

I hate on Ronaldo for all the reason laid out by the Deadspin haters, but even have to admit he has stolen the GOAT from Messi.

Sorry for your experience. Just goes to show how important it is to be your own advocate. I trained and work in health care so I have advantages most people don’t and even I feel like I’m banging my head against the wall trying to shepard my parents through the system. 

Repeal the second amendment, ban and confiscate all firearms except for bolt action rifles and double barrel shotguns for hunting. No other developed country has to deal with this.

To be honest with you, your decision to go to the ER was your biggest mistake. As you described, they were ill poorly equipped to give you the care you needed. As a rule, you should only go to the ER in a situation where you believe your life is in imminent danger or immediate surgery is required, e.g. suspected

Yep, I’ve never seen a counter attack strategy with so many wide open and outnumbered breaks to the goal.

Great Cup. Brazil is last chance for three top favourites to get a win. With US out, no pressure, just get to relax and enjoy.

It makes up for the narrow field of vision with our close together eyes.

Modern man doesn’t really need endurance or speed for that matter. I’d design for resilience first.

It is called going regimental. Back in the day the sergeant would check with a mirror on a stick when reviewing the troops. Now, tradition says free ball when it is your own kilt and wear drawers with a rental.

Banning straws and plastic bags in developed countries will do almost nothing about the problem of plastic waste pollution. The developed world consumes 75 percent of the plastic products, but only contributes 10 percent of the plastic waste pollution. That is because the waste management systems function. This is a

Praise be unto Pop.

I went a couple times when they opened up one here in San Antonio, at the end of the day the burgers are ok which is fine, but the fries blow. It turns out that never frozen actually is a detriment to fast food fries.

Why would Poutine want to ruin his own world cup. These people are Poutine loyalists, as the end of the article says, once the world cup is over, all bets are off.

The solution to Seattle’s housing shortage isn’t to drive away workers who use services that sustain jobs for countless others in the community. The solution to a housing shortage is to build more housing.

Ford stated that he was “watching” him, so I he covered for his wandering. That was why they took his wife, but not him, since he didn’t ping on their radar.

I don’t hate LeBron anymore. “The Decision” was just about the most f’d up way to go about breaking the hearts of your hometown fan base and the whole Miami thing especially at the beginning was hate-able. But I have to give him credit. He grew and matured and while leaving Miami after losing the finals to the Spurs,

The list The Root creates are too complicated. Just start and end with “any activity done while breathing”

Fiat currency like the dollar really doesn’t have any inherent value either except that the government of the US says it is worth something and the Federal Reserve/US Congress attempt to manage the supply of that money to keep it’s value stable. What bitcoin and the other currencies don’t have is 1.2M active duty