
You don’t understand. He doesn’t see race.

People like them “don’t see race” until someone points out how non-exclusive whatever some activity is. Then they go out and take credit for things done by other people who happen to not produce a lot of melanin as if they did it themselves. Just feel sorry for them.

HQ Trivia makes sense to me. It’s just an updated version of the TV game show model. Lure a big audience with a big cash prize and sell that audience to advertisers now with Big Data. Uber theoretically is going to be profitable by going after the rent that the taxi cartels have obtained by capturing city regulatory

I don’t understand what either of these services offer as a business. A sustainable business model is supposed to offer some benefit or service to their customers that would justify a profit margin. Right now, all these guys are doing is subsidizing movie tickets with investor capital. If selling subscription movie

Considering who got dusted and who didn’t, I’d much rather be in the got dusted group. They are all the ones with the most plot armour.

The Refs first mistake was to run away. That just got triggered the predatory instinct. Best thing to do is make your self big by waiving your arms, make loud noises and whack the player in the nose with your shoe.

Yeah, the OTC drugs today are great. I’ve had allergies since I was an adolescent and the pre-nasal steroids really sucked. As you’ve probably read in a lot of these responses flonase/nasocort is the go to treatment. I used to muddle along with claratin, but I won’t do that anymore. You should really try them out. It

I do. Tried to switch to Google play music, but wasn’t as good.

The restaurant at the top of the Tower of the Americas has a happy hour Mon-Thur 4.30 to 7.00. Free ride up the elevator, cocktails and appetizers are reasonably priced and pretty good.

Counterpoint, there is nothing wrong with the breakfast tacos at Taco Cabana. Tortillas are fresh made, eggs, bacon, potatoes on a griddle can’t be messed up, and they have a salsa bar. You can’t mess up breakfast tacos if you have those three things and they are the only thing on their menu I will order.

Do you want Skynet? Because that’s how you get Skynet.

Nope. That doesn’t work.

Most adults lack the wisdom and knowledge to vote wisely, but the universal franchise exists because the alternative is far worse (see 100 year history of Jim Crow).

Or you know, you could build more housing instead of using zoning laws to constrict the supply. I like what HamNo proposed in a previous article. Either drop the Nimby zoning restrictions or lose the home mortgage deduction to subsidize public housing.

It’s Rayon. They have re-branded rayon as “bamboo”. Anytime you see someone sell something as bamboo fiber, know that it is rayon.

It’s Rayon. They have re-branded rayon as “bamboo”. Anytime you see someone sell something as bamboo fiber, know

But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?

Makes sense. A good 20% of my annual calorie intake comes from eating meat pulled straight off of cold refrigerated rotisserie chicken like an animal.

As I said, my greatest cooking comes from when I am disciplined. I am not very disciplined. In the case of last minute flexibility, I do make a super big pot of stock with holiday leftovers, reduce and concentrate, then freeze in ice cube treys. Again, it is just the discipline of doing it the day after.

Yep, try it. Spinach is good by itself, but if you are squeamish, a serving of spinach adds almost no taste.