
If this is the stupidest thing you hear today, then you are in for one of the educational day in you’re life.

I think you are on it with the acid. I’m looking at that picture and just thinking, damn that would be good with some thick sliced dill chips on top.

I got a big package of smoked pulled pork from Costco and made mole enchiladas with the Dona Maria. It was fantastic.

This is Chadwick Boseman’s breakout roll as a true A-list actor. He was great in those other movies, but this one is about his bank-ability. White people have 4 with just the name Chris alone. We’re allowed to have one.

If you are having trouble enjoying the food in San Antonio, you are doing it wrong.

Do I have to say it. KFC ran out of the soon to be most consumed meat in the world. They didn’t run out of chicken. The ran out of “Chikcen(TM)“. There is a reason why they had to change the name to KFC.

I knew from the first time I saw it that it referred to the Rodney King riots, but that is because I was Killmonger age at the time. I think it’s odd that it wasn’t more explicit and the over policing line seemed off to me because that’s not how we talked back then. It makes me wonder if there was a more explicit

This is such bullshit. Where’s the 8track? You know not everyone has all these fancy new fangled music machines.

I agree, I did this in Paris last year and was annoyed that I had to drag my big heavy boxes to the hotel and back. CDG has a pay service, but with so many boxes it was just cheaper to take a cab.

I will say that I have noticed that a lot of airlines unofficially do this anyway when you book a three legged flight through their hubs. I travel to the UK and going through Dublin is usually cheapest and I’ve noticed a lot of times that the price is not different when I book it three legged. I went to Nigeria on Air

I’ve been thinking the exact same thing. The marginal costs of these rockets is something in the $10s-100s of millions. I’m sure someone could have designed some low cost probe with off the shelf components to act as a dummy probe. If the rocket blows up or it gets sent to the wrong place, no big deal, but if not you

As with so many things in America, when certain people with certain characteristics do things, it’s called a crime and heads most roll suspend them, expell them, zero tolerance, throw them in jail. When other people do it, it’s well, oh, a mistake or poor judgement or youthful indiscretions or justa couple of good ol

I’m actually quite surprised, but shouldn’t be. The movie is blowing up here in San Antonio. Afternoon matinee showings are selling out. That means a lot of people who need to get the message are seeing this movie.

This is every manufacturer of every product.

The Igbo tried, Biafra would have been a country with a people of natural traders and entrepreneurs, sitting on a sea of oil to use as capital, and a natural aversion to central rule ‘Igbo enwe eze’. Sadly, BP, Shell, and Exxon couldn’t have that so they helped the Nigerian government starve us out. Who knows if it

I really wanted to love this movie, but it just didn’t do it for me. I thought it was just OK. I appreciate a lot of what Cougler was trying to do here, but I just felt like it did almost everything well but nothing really blew me away...except costume and music, those were great.

He has an official title... it is “Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office Larry the Cat”.

Thoughts and Prayers(TM) to you for having to listen to him speak for 6 minutes.

Thoughts and Prayers(TM)

You have 7 IDs?

You have 7 IDs?