
I really am a Nigerian prince.

Can you really blame him. The law in Alabama is specifically written and enforced to prevent black people from voting. Obviously all the work from the Democrats to register and mobilize the black voters runs contrary to the law in Alabama.

Point number 2: Minor public officials have personal drivers earning almost $200K / year.

To what end? A black child disrespected a group of bigots in Alabama. Cruel violence has been there response for 300 years.

FYI, it’s not the bouncers who have a no coloreds policy.

Fuck you man. Fuck you for bringing that up.

They aren’t a panacea, but they are a start. Just look 2 headlines down on your own website. That cop doesn’t get fired or any disciplinary action whatsoever without a body cam. Black people have been getting murdered by police/constables/slave catchers/overseers science the founding of this country. Black Lives

No. In fact, just watch the Honest Trailers for 1-3 and you’d get the basis for one of the insider jokes in the movie.

Honestly, I think preventing some 17 year old kid’s college visit from turning into a media circus seems like a good thing. Of course being the NCAA, that can’t possibly be the reason the rule exits. Right?

We all just watched Star Wars. We know one of Santa’s super powers. He should go full holdo maneuver on Godzilla.

Patrick Wyman is an author and history professor.

I really don’t know why people have such a hard time understanding this. Luke the legendary slayer of the Emperor and savior of the galaxy takes it upon himself to go about the task of rebuilding the Jedi institution all by himself with no one else to guide him. So this guy, with no actual formal training goes about

Really just Florida would do it.

Before the ACA you could buy insurance any time just like car or house insurance and before ACA you could be denied coverage for pre existing conditions just like car or house insurance or charged prohibitively high premiums. Because the ACA has guaranteed issue and community risk pools, you can no longer sell

The Torokists like eoghan are counter revolutionaries who wish to move us away from our glorious revolutionary future. We must stay united and liquidate the vile Torokists from our ranks.

Hold Up! Hold Up!Hold Up!
Hold Up!Hold Up!
Hold Up!Hold Up!
16% of Black Men voted for Roy Moore. As much as I have a problem with the vast white mobs voting for Moore, I still have to say WHAT THE FUCK!!!.

It’s sad how the SPLC has turned into a joke. It will rightfully condemn bigoted Christianist fundamentalists on the one hand but then blacklist a practicing muslim for condemning bigoted Islamist fundamentalists. Click on the Nawaz SPLC blacklist link to see his alleged crimes. It is really pathetic.

“you’re forgetting the fact that football is still King in Ohio. and Austin as the lone liberal City in Texas they are more likely to support soccer also the Hispanic,population is way bigger.”

Same here. I had bought a couple at 13 dollars on cyber monday. Wanted to get a couple more for stocking stuffers at this price.

Same here. I had bought a couple at 13 dollars on cyber monday. Wanted to get a couple more for stocking stuffers at

You can’t do a blind taste test of chain pizza. They are extremely easy to tell apart. Unless you were raised by some kind of pizza snob, we’ve all eaten enough of this stuff growing up to distinguish them blind.