
I don’t know why this has to be repeated, but we’ll say it again. Never underestimate the Spurs, never count them out, never say the run is over.

A city like Santa Rosa has 4500 property crimes reported in a year. That is a bit more than 10 a day. People seem to have this irrational expectation that crime will disappear during a tragedy. The truth is that crime does go way down, but there are still shitty people out there.

I’m actually alright with Stallone directing Creed 2. He’s got some built up credit with me from Rocky 6 so I know that he can make a not campy movie that doesn’t suck. Honestly, as far as Coogler is concerned, I’m happy to see him move on to the next thing. He did a great job with a Rocky movie. Now he’s doing a

No kidding. I’ve never seen any kind of leadership quality in Harden...which is just fine. Leadership is an attribute, but it isn’t necessary to be a great player. Chris Thompson gave the example of Kawhi and let’s be honest, in the leadership depth chart of the Spurs, he’s fourth behind Pop, Manu, and Parker, and

I understand completely how you feel. The truth is, I feel the same way too. The golden rule says to treat other people how you wish to be treated...and I assume that if you knew you were acting like a racist piece of shit, you would expect to be punched in the face.

That’s what makes it neo (new and awesome). Same great inherited wealth and power none of that pesky obligation to your peasants.

I starred and un-starred you just so I could star you again. That $800 cost for a replacement phone only applies for the 6 months-1 year of the phone. I see last year’s S7s going for between $300-$400 on Amazon.

Oh, I know. If I am asking someone to get me something from the fridge, I say what it is, but if I’m getting a cup from the fountain, it’s just a coke

Butter, salt with a drizzle of honey

I agree whole heartedly “This is a very good take.” - Kalvin Durand

This article is giving bad advice.

Only football can create a rule so complicated for something that should easily be handled in one sentence. Any ball kicked from the ground through the uprights is worth three points.

“Police are not your friends, they are each others.”

Seeing how they haven’t lost a plane in over 40 years, seems safe enough to send people.

She is doing exactly that. She’s just correctly noting that it is not the job of a nurse to investigate criminal wrong doing. Remember: “In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute

That’s about it. The only edit I’d make is that Mac weakly landed 1 out of 10 punches while May just didn’t throw anything. Once he started throwing Mac did nothing but block with his face.

What is this good fight everyone is talking about. You could see in the early rounds McGregor couldn’t land anything except on May’s gloves while May just didn’t throw anything. Then once he got him a little tired, all Mac did was block May with his face until TKO.

Cooney vs Holmes

That ruptured prolapsed rectal hemorrhoid Cornyn is by far the best Senator Texas has got. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯