
For the love of God please get those black olives away from my nachos. I don't know what Yaqui heathen thought those things belong on Nachos, probably some soulless corporate drone at Taco Bell who's last job was a middle manager at a auto part factor, but those foul things should never dare grace a plate of fine

He chose poorly. I guess he didnt know the holy grail is the cup of a carpenter.

No form of energy is harmless, but the general point of the documentary was that 10,000s of people have died directly in the course of exploring, extracting, and generating energy from fossil fuels as a result of accidents while even the most nuclear unfriendly estimate of deaths from nuclear accidents. Add in the

I'm definitely eating people. All those dead trees would make for good smoke wood. P.S. I'm smoking my Christmas brisket right now...it is glorious!!!!!

With their beady little eyes and flapping heads.

I've lived in both cities for 29 on my 35 years of life. I can tell you that Austin and San Antonio are in the process of merging metro areas, but there is still a long way to go. The commute between the two is anywhere from 1-2+ hours depending on where you are coming from and going to. The major transportation

The Sun is the star our planet goes around; a sun is a synonym for a star. The Moon is the satellite the revolves around the Earth; a moon is a synonym for a natural satellite. The Earth is the planet we live on; earth is another name for dirt. See what I did there, words in English can have different meanings