You never realize how much you take this part for granted until you turn your key and all you hear is a click.
You never realize how much you take this part for granted until you turn your key and all you hear is a click.
Doesn't sound like your insanity is in any way temporary. You apparently live in a GTA-like fantasyland, and believe citizens sane and humane enough to make jury duty would sanctify a cowardly attack from behind. This man taught this family a valuable lesson; one you apparently need to learn. Protect your kids by…
This is why I carry. In case a crazy family decides to follow me home and I don’t have my chainsaw.
Driving absurdly fast on public roads with general traffic on them is a colossally stupid idea, and this time it looks like the car agreed, committing suicide instead of being part of continued stupidity. The Kansas Highway Patrol arrested a man yesterday for going 176 MPH on Interstate 35, and caught him because his…