
The only thing I dislike about Tyler Perry and his movies is how he has indirectly created a subculture of smugly racist white people who bond over how "terrible" it is that the African-American community (repeatedly) support a voice they feel is relevant.

Having never been married, or been in a significant relationship that's lasted over 15 months, I am always curious to know how people go through sexless marriages for YEARS.

"Native Americans" should be called 'Americans'. The rest of y'all need to be calling yourselves 'Foreign Americans'.

How are they gonna get this on screens with just a little over 12 months to go?

Jim Carrey looks like he's having a blast, but the Director of Photography looks like he's finally snapped and realized that he hates his job ("should've listened to Mom and Dad and went to med school!") and now wants the world to know it through his presentation of ugly-as-fuck lighting and bland cinematography.

So you have Aisha Tyler as a part of the project, but you choose to use a picture of Mochrie and Stiles?!

Aziz mafuggin' Ansari!

Fassbender beats women. Fuck him.

There's gonna be more white people at this thing than at a Das Racist reunion show.

Lulz, thought this band and the shitty nu-metal band BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE were the same thing.

RE: Fincher's cinematographic choices.

I didn't get 'The Wire'/Mid-Atlantic accent joke.

Show is boring, mostly-unfunny, and should be re-titled 'Mindy Kaling Televises Her Fantasy of Banging a Rotating Roster of Dorky White Dudes'.

Just blitzed through Season 1 and 2 in a week.

Just blitzed through Season 1 and 2 in a week.

Wow, I have never seen such beautiful complete-lack-of-muscle definition on any human male before. Brava!

I want Nigella and Padma's career to plummet to such abysmal levels that they are forced to do an adult, nudie film with each other.

I'm tired of David 'Guy who explores the seamy underbelly of stuff' Fincher.

Oooh, I love real-life celeb tid-bits like this. Please elaborate!

Good. Now I can proceed with finishing 'JACQUE CREATURE', my screenplay about a French detective who can shape-shift into whatever animal he wants.