
Is this it, by the way? Is this all the new AD we get? Or are we getting more?

Boring episode.

Where the fuck is the Bunheads renewal announcement? C'mon, Anonymous Network Exec, cut down the corporate coke and hookers budget by 20% and you'll have the cash to finance another Bunheads season no problem!


Judge, you thieving bastard! A year or so ago Armando Iannucci teased the idea of doing an HBO show about dot-com billionaires! It is impossible for two creative people to have the same relatively-generic idea independent of each other!

I thought the fat guy on the right of the BluRay cover image was Oliver Stone.

This was probably my favorite VEEP ep so far.

"I would be married by now too, if I were willing to marry a Persian".

" it’s hardly the “complex, challenging,” and significant role Wang made Dr. Wu out to be".

Kickstarter is this odd little entity that seems, in some ways, to be going against what I always assumed its initial intent was:  to give *up-and-comers* and *"outsiders"* a means to source financing/investment for their projects.

"…where a man pulls out a woman’s tampon and inserts anal beads."

It was just a stylistic Boyle transition.

Would you settle for Wong Kar Wai, Reverend Malick's East-Asian Sorta-Understudy?

Just Google/IMDB'd it, and holy shit, Malick has got potentially FOUR
flicks out within an 18 month period!? Dude's got cancer or something,
right? Or is he a James Cameron-esque lothario off the set and needs to
up his shooting ratio to make alimony payments?

Weren't Christian Bale and Rachael Weitz s'posed to be in this?

Nah, the solution is much more convoluted and nonsensical. Fun visuals and soundtrack, though.

Goddammit, Danny Boyle is a frustrating filmmaker to be a fan of.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Shakespeare! You wield words like Shakespeare!!

Goddamn, Mr. Pinchot got old!

Judging by the number of replies, I would say that I successfully got the boy's hole without paying the troll toll.