Toro Tiberius

I wanted to post images of a circle jerk and put a picture of gawker media in the center to make an analogous representation of the editors’ collective anti-trump opinions. Fortunately, I’m at work and would probably be fired for GIS’ing “circle jerk.”

Why? It’ll just gonna break in a week.

I have an 05 legacy with 178k miles with a 4 starting the VIN. Never had any major issues with it, besides a stuck driver’s door outer handle, a broken cable for the rear door, and a broken clip for the the trunk springs.

Re: Subaru

Does anyone actually read the drivel posted here anymore as “a news story” or are you like me and just stopping at the gratuitous snark smugness at paragraph 2 and skipping to the bottom to read comments?

. . . or because you think it’s fun to operate and control a machine with your own hands and feet, in sync, and with full attention to all sensory input.

so we can make shit go faster than it did stock. next question?

They don’t make ‘em like they used to...and we should be glad for that.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. But 3 lefts do

Agreed. There’s got to be more to it than that, though. Maybe outfitting all school buses with seat belts is deemed too expensive of an undertaking?

Everyone rightfully forgets Oregon

I’ve never done any research into why school buses don’t have seat belts, myself, but it seems to me like the dangers of not having 20 to 50 kids strapped down was outweighed by the fact that having 20 to 50 kids who are just starting to learn their mastery over seat belts attempt to unbuckle while possibly upside

What’s his price on a 1954 Chevy?

In this day and age, a man has to have choices. Looks like your old man chose the backseat option. Happy birthday!

Then you’ve never listened to a fight my wife starts when I’m about to go to sleep.

Man, I know several people who commute with a stick. Its not a great excuse.

Well, we all talk the talk but a handful of us walk the walk.

I had an 04 Accord that was frozen to the street for a week. Plows had pushed slush through the wheels that then froze solid. It wasn’t powerful enough or driving enough wheels to break free.

Gotta step up to Acura. Acura has said all their cars will have AWD available so I assume the ILX will have AWD once it moves to this platform.

anyone who thinks this car is ugly needs to take a good hard look at the market right now. mazda is killing the design game right now.