Toro Tiberius

Not to get too preachy, but actual winter tires make a world of difference regardless of the drive wheels. Once you try them you realize they’re worth every penny. Short of high-centering, your Impreza would be a monster snow car with the right rubber.

Did you switch tires? Blizzaks on my ’93 Integra and ’02 RSX had no problems at all.

What kind of AWD? One engaged all the time or more like how Honda has done it on the AWD CR-V and Element, where it only engages the rear when slippage occurs? I would bet it’ll the latter, but I would vote for the former. Hell, when SH-AWD trickles down to Honda vehicles might be interesting, but that adds too much

As someone who has owned a dual-clutch car, and chose it over a manual, I have to laugh at this point every time it comes up. There is a breed of car guy that thinks he understands all there is to what a car should be, and ultimately that only comes to rowing your own gears. However, in a car with electronic throttle

Death like this is just so senseless. We should not act like bystanders and snub the dearly departed. They embraced each other snugly and it’s such a tragic event.

God made PDK for her.

is this how it’s gonna be for the next 4 years? boo-hoo round-the-clock? sour grapes 24/7?

Saw a white one in SE Michigan the other day, I was blown away at how good this thing looks in white....and I generally don’t like white cars at all.

It’s like a 90s teen movie where the girl takes off her glasses and everyone realizes how hot she is.

They really did manage to make it a striking design with just some essentially minor changes. It’s a gorgeous car now, when the previous generation I would have generously described as “flawed”.

Sedans almost always look better as a long wheel base version.

I agree 100%, didn’t like the first one but the new one is gorgeous

I think you’ve identified the real question. IF it is a weapons system that fits a needed niche then I wonder if we’ll end up seeing it on other vessels or even as an on the ground capability.

could spawn a convertible variant

You take that many road trips out of town? That’s what superchargers are intended for, not for charging in your home town while you drive your 71 miles per day.

So what? What’s your problem with rednecks anyways? They do a lot of jobs that the rest of us think we’re too good for and they’re not afraid to get their hands dirty. I really respect that. The amount of people who bash on those who live blue collar lifestyles is appalling.


I can think of two plausible reasons to do this, but they are not that necessary.

Kind of like finding something with a Dharma Initiative logo.