
It’s an actor selling the show he’s on in the RadioTimes. It could’ve been in the Gretna Green Picayune for all its reach and importance. What made it news to you isn’t that he said it, it’s that io9 commented on it, and let’s not kid ourselves, no one pulls out the Maury Povich Lie Detector every time some actor

Exactly, that is cringy as all hell. That is proof that they are somewhat aware of how bad this looks.

Its getting to be embarrassing.

Because they all hate this show, so they might as well acknowledge that it’s a collegiate opinion of the io9 staff as a whole.

Thats actually, not the point. Its totally okay to dislike something and write a review saying its bad....but this is the 4th, 5th maybe even 6th article they’ve wrote bashing a show that isn’t even out yet. Thats about an article per episode that was released for pre-release lol. And to make it worse every article is

Beth and James were too afraid to sign it.

“Also, what’s up with “io9 staff” writing this?”

How about you guys stop trying to make is hate this show before we even see it?

I love io9, but these attacks on “Iron Fist” before anyone has even seen the completed series are beginning to reach Ghostbusters levels of intensity.

Don’t forget, “Finn Jones is a Nazi who hates black people.”

I can see the future headlines now:

Please. No more of these articles. You hate it, we get it. You keep asking the star of the show why the show sucks and what the fuck do you want him to say?! “Yes”?! And throughout all these, THE SHOW ISN’T OUT YET for us to judge it by ourselves instead of convincing us that its terrible. And didn’t you guys just

Snyder & gods of Egypt...they say they are anti bullying but this is insanity....they are just as bad as the trolls they despise

Well, I would also be ashamed to put my name on this...

Wait, does io9 not like this show?

Damn io9, just let the guy promote his apparently bad show until it’s out of the news cycle. Stop trying to vilify him. Is this because he had the gall to take on a role you felt should’ve gone to an Asian-American?

So Stargate, ID4 and Men in Black don’t exist?

Science fiction had been used as set dressing for action movies long before The Matrix premiered. For every Gattaca there were three “sci-fi” movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dolph Lundgren.

I think it’s too easy to gloss over the actual world-building that The Matrix did. There’s a reason we were all enthralled by that movie, and it wasn’t the Holy Shit Quotient of the action scenes. I know it’s trendy to hate on it now, but there was some great character and world-building in the first.

GoT is the new Matrix. It has become a social stigma to not like it/watch it, especially in the critic scene. I don’t have a problem with shows or movies getting high praise but when a show is getting 98-100% aggregate every episode something seems off about how accurate these critics are being.