
He was being accused of a heinous crime. He’s perfectly entitled to more than just deny it. It’s actually what the do in, you know, the real court room trials.

It’s okay to appreciate someone for some things they do while disagreeing with them for other things they do. It’s part of being a mature adult. It doesn’t actually happen very often here on the Gawker sites.

Yeah, I was a little confused by that point too. “Real news sites pester survivors of tragedy, and don’t compensate them in any way for it. So that’s okay.” Uh, okay.



clickbait-y? Turns out they’re not even right, are spreading misinformation from a hack security investigator, and yet the article is still here. How’s that for clickbait-y.

...but I like reading pulp paperbacks.  It’s almost the only way I read.  

I would assume in this case no, as the door dash employee is not affiliated with the actual restaurants at all, and so there is no way any of that money is coming back to the restaurant regardless of how you go about it.

Actually after reading both examples, I think this guy is on to something, and your post only supports it. In both cases, the driver was paid MORE than the tip, so in that respect, the company did NOT take any of the tip in either case.

- looks interesting.

This is mostly true and a good point, except you have the ordering off. Netflix didn’t start making original content out of desperation or a need to fill things. It was their own idea and own plan and been doing it for awhile and pouring LOTS of money into it, and it’s the main reason for price hikes.

Already have some, but it wouldn’t be as funny for our funny io9 article — Speciesism, Xenophobia

Nice post.  At least as good as many of the ‘expert’ posts.  Thanks!

Add in discouraged bunting, the over shift, average 5 pitching changes per game. They’re slowly taking all strategy and interest out of baseball and turning it into a HR derby.

Launch angle makes me laugh every time I hear it. Oh, so baseball changed geometry and ballistics did they? Now that’s some impressive juicing.

I’ve never really understood why people think HRs make the game more exciting. Yes, a 1-0 game is boring, but what’s fun or interesting about watching a HR derby dressed up as a game. Baseball is great because of all its intricacies and complications. And that’s in small ball.

Yes, agreed. I really got into baseball when watching the 2010 Reds. They got into the playoffs that year with a team that could come back from almost any deficit. And it wasn’t from hitting 4 HRs for 5 runs in an inning, it was from small ball. Very fun to watch.

Though I’m getting a bit tired of Lucifer making the cases all about him

probably less of an impact, but there is bandwidth used every time something is streamed.

Ha, yeah. No facebook for Woz, and boom, it’s like he’s a shadow ghost now!