
Man, you’d think Barry would have the courtesy to go back a couple extra months and get the writers/director changed before it goes public each time. Ah, I bet this is the CW Barry isn’t it.

No, not really at all. You’re talking about consumers buying products from producers. This is actually the most reasonable place to have entitlement. People have expectations for what they pay money for, and if they feel their expectations aren’t being met, the then stop paying. No one should ever feel obligated to

This article  = stupid.

Free 2-day shipping?

Right, and there’s three of them because that’s just the number of diamonds that felt right when the artist was drawing them onto her.  More and it would get busy, less and it didn’t feel like a pattern.  Kind of like when an artist just draws a few bricks on a brick wall to give the impression of the overall

Yes, came for this reply.

It seems snarky unprofessional goggles were put on about 5 seconds into the trailer by the reviewer

I’m pretty sure competent storytelling would allow you to do just about anything with Star Wars any topic. Add that we’re in a Sci Fi setting here and really, there is NO excuse other than the skill of the storytellers.

It’s seems really obvious doesn’t it--having your whole universe be part of A single war between to factions kind of pre-sets it to one group of stories.

You would think, if a person, was going to comment on something, they would at least be knowledgeable regarding the thing about which they are speaking.

2019 io9 Headline Makes No Goddamn Sense.

Yes.  You must not have Netflix?  All 4 seasons are together.

I know this ruins all you guys’ nerd outrage, but it is obvious from every frame of that trailer that the movie was meant from the start to be goofy fun with some action and comedy thrown in. Every live actor in that was hamming it up. I thought it looked fine*, and you all just look like losers thinking your cool

Simple answer, yes.  Apparently the nerds needed something else to get mad about this week.

I think its his nose, specifically. It’s like he has a touch of evil in him. I think it need rounded a little or something, even if that (ha!) diverges from the original even more.

The Matrix sounded like a confusing, high-concept mess that could have easily fallen apart.

I like it.  I would watch it.  Although I would still want aliens and mysteries.  So in the end, you would be getting back to more of a DS9 earlier seasons.  Which is fine by me, I liked DS9 early seasons.

Count me in, although pointedly, I liked DS9 a lot until later seasons where it started to stray and become too much “serialized same old bad guys each week, not really treky at”-ness for me.

I guess because that was a good show and this isn’t. Also, the whole ‘going to places no one has never been before’ thing allowed for new stories... so being a similar show is irrelevant. More to the point though, people want a show that takes place in Starfleet and the Federation to be populated with characters

“Trek for people who don’t actually like Star Trek