
I know it’s all over the comments, but I just have to add in another vote--every image I’ve seen of this just looks like total crap.

Fantastic! Just how I feel.  I really hope this sentiment rises to the top and follows Serena around for a good long while.

I watched the episode when it aired, knew it was Michael Jackson, and I thought everyone else new and he and the show just didn’t ever officially credit him and played it off in a fun way.

I was one of the (apparently mythical) people that liked Iron Fist. In fact, it’s the only Marvel Netflix show I watched all of (until Punisher, now).

Captain’s Log: Murder

Good post. Like a good 50% of articles on i09 now, I barely skim the article and just get down to the comments where people point out how wrong the io9 author is and then give some interesting thoughts on the subject.

This article should be focused on how this is a perfect example of what is wrong with a lot of modern action movie fx. Have you watched the fx reel for Indana Jones?—them digging ditches for Harrison Ford to be actually drug behind an actual jeep. Now look at this footage—two guys shoving each other around like

Hmm, I thought it was probably Tony “Candy Man” Todd.

Totally. The only problem is that they showed us the clips almost completely in chronological order of how they appear in the movie. That’s like so not random.

That’s very pessimistic, but if you add in some qualifiers like universally excepted, currently viable, tested, etc.  it’s a solid point.

Yeah, forgetting politics, writing quality, etc, I was kind of put off by how excited the author was over a new exhibit that was essentially a big TV/PC multimedia presentation. — “I mean yeah, it’s just something you could do on your basic interactive science website, but this version is HUGE, so you know BETTER!”

This post seems like it should have been a Sploid post, as in, I regret opening it.

I see a lot of comments about ‘but no Frakes/Riker.’ I always liked Riker. I like his role in the show—kind of a flip-side of Wesley. You know, instead of a Mary Sue, an every-man that’s not necessarily an expert on anything, but in on all the action. And, I always liked the charisma that Frakes gave the character,

Hopefully. More likely, their five year mission is to rehash previous five year missions.

Ha! That’s pretty much how I felt. When it ended, I turned to my wife and said, “So, are we supposed to be on David’s side now, cuz I kind of agree with him—fuck you all, I’m grabbin’ Lenny and we’re out of here.”

Agreed. It did what needed to be done plotwise, but pretty lame on its own.

I’m all for anything with Tim Omundson in it, but remember that the end of his episode revealed that he definitely wasn’t Lucifer’s dad, he just gained that stuff from the belt buckle or whatever it was.

Yes, me too, to the point that I was going to write off the whole episode if they didn’t, and then boom, they had the very well done ‘twist’ ending that not only made more sense, but added to the overall show mythology. Very nice.

OMG, I just realized—they didn’t have one of those damn Jon Hamm psychology 101 segments this week. And I don’t think I remember anyone else commenting about them. Probably because no one missed them in the slightest!

It’s such a tough call with this show. The Alternate Davids episode was possibly the best episode of the series, and yet it is questionable whether it added much of anything to the show other than that David’s life could have gone many different ways, some good some bad, some evil and with Farouk. Now, there is that