
After thinking about it you are right and this is just another case of an io9 reviewer totally missing big points of the show they’re supposedly scrutinizing.

Does anyone else more and more get the feeling when reading io9 that they’ve stumbled across a high school news blog. ...And then wonder why they still come here.

Oh and, why is everyone focused on the eyes, when that song is by far the most distracting part of that trailer.

Ha ha, fuck you nerds.

My wife and I actually stopped watching the show after this episode. I don’t think we even really discussed it. We both just were like, no, we’re done with this show.

Ever. You could live another 80 years. We might reach the singularity and the hive mind will transcend our known corporeal forms. We might fall into the darkest age since, er well, the Dark Ages. But no matter what, this is the cleverest you. Will. EVER. READ! Ever.

Sadly, not always true. But should be.

‘lost me’ is an understatement. More like stormed off in disgust.

Says CBS. The verdict won’t be in until at least next year at this time.

Yes, this.

Just out of curiosity, are you guys getting these eps for review or has someone at io9 had to pony up the 10 bucks a month?

In this article we discuss how Superman Lives would have— SHUT UP! shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP!

Accept he was completing a catch and already previously had obtained full posession of the ball.

I have no idea what the written sub-sectioned rules minutiae are, but that sounds pretty reasonable to me. The other possibility is if an opposing player has taken full control of the ball—i.e. ripping it out of the guys hands—and now has full possession of it.

I hadn’t heard that about less padding. An insteresting idea that makes sense its odd way. Thanks for sharing.

In this case it’s pretty forgivable considering the title all but outright states that the hit on Aaron Rogers should have been illegal, should have been banned, should have been stopped. So, even people fully reading the article are trying to figure out where and how the author is justifying this main point of the

What the fuck does this have to do with anything. Why is Sploid even shared to the io9 feed. Please stop.

It was good seeing Rob Paulsen talk a little about his work, but man that video was a) NOT a great big story, it was 3m long and had little to no ‘reporting’ or ‘story’ and b) what was up with that reporter girl? Amateurish and uneducated sounding throughout. Who doesn’t know Spielberg did his run of cartoons...and he

Well put, deserves more stars.

*googles @SwearTrek* ... Ha, those are funny. ... you know why don’t you...cuz it’s NOT what ever happened on the show.