
If you like old-style off the cuff MST3K mixed with just a bit of actual behind the scenes commentary (not really about the movie, they talk about their friendship and past with Paul Feig), then I highly recommend it. Those three guys are very funny. Weinstein really has a gift for improv riffing.

That wasn’t really MST3K per se, that was Josh Weinstein (original Tom Servo), Trace Beaulieu (original Crow), and Joel Hodgson doing an MST3K-like commentary for that movie because the director (Paul Feig) was a long time friend (and fan) of theirs. I’m pretty sure it was done in one sitting and was probably done for

That and just because you are then reading/watching in the order that the authors/writers/directors/etc created them. You are following them in their journey through creation and story telling.

show me someone that is even marginally interested in Star Wars but hasn’t watched the movies that doesn’t know it

The Seth MacFarlane sci-fi spoof trailer that went up yesterday actually looked more “Star Trek-y,” even though I hated the bad sitcom humor in it.

Maybe they wanted all cheesy PR action and didn’t really care for the angsty teen parts at all, like many americans, just more so.

I like Family Guy well enough. I like American Dad well enough. I like Star Trek a lot. But, I dunno. I’m not sure I cracked a smile at any of those ‘jokes.’ The visual design work however was fantastic. I kept checking to see if this really was a coming TV Show and not a movie. I would be surprised if they could

This article is like the blind leading the blind.

A lot of people call the Quantum Leap finale a sad or bleak or melancholy ending. I never saw it. At all. Sam decided that he liked helping people more than wanting to return home. He got exactly what he wanted. In fact, I’m fairly sure it was the whole gist of the final episode. It was his choice.

Yay, a thread about people that actually liked the show. It’s actually the only Marvel Netflix series I watched all of. I didn’t love it, but thought it was just fine. I liked Ward the best, and all the Meachums. Danny was just fine, I don’t know what people’s problems are with him other than reverse prejudice. I

Have you read the book? I don’t remember a single ‘feminist’ thing in the book. The book is about a human and an alien who has a different gender setup than humans in a relatively straight-forward but well written and executed survival / bonding story.

No offense to the recently departed, RIP, but the man behind the G.I.Joe that we all know and love is of course Larry Hama.  He didn’t just write the comics, but wrote most of the bios for the toys which then made their way into his comics and the cartoons.

Great idea. The funny thing is this is actually the opposite of what modern trek is--i.e they keep all of the tropes of classic Star Trek, and then try to ‘modernize it’ by making it to be gritty and actiony and angsty. They keep everything but the most important part--humanity, now (mostly) united and mature going

Nice post. Unsurprisingly but still sadly, better than the actual post by a paid journalist blogger.

What is wrong with you? It’s an animatronic piece of entertainment. They’ve had them for years. Did your family get killed in a freak ShowBiz Pizza accident? Get off the internet.

I have no problem with this, at least from a genre fan perspective. If the Canadian government thinks ‘assimilate’ is offensive, then it’s offensive regardless of whether it’s a favorite quote of fandom X. If your favorite line from big-popular-fun-movie is, “Take this one up the ass!” and it’s about the evil aliens

To boldy go where no one has gone before! Damn it!

I have almost no interest in watching a Star Trek series that’s not set 15-20 years (or more) post-TNG/DS9/VOY era.

If you’re talking about the Pearl-like character in the back of the trailer and ep one, that is not Mary Jo Pel.