
Each show is the whole movie (alhtough often edited for time/content), and they all clock in at about 90 minutes, which is pretty much the same as the original 2 hr show minus comercials.

I don’t care for her much either, but she fits the role perfectly--kinga forester is energetic, overachieving, kinda manic, and her mad scientist plan fits her and the modern day world very well. I laughed more than once at her and Oswalt’s host segments in the first ep.

This is interesting and could easily be a topic all on its own. I’ve know a few ‘scientists’ in my time working in software, and many often come off to me as being very insecure. They are nerds and they are smart, but they’ve never been the cool kids, etc. This idea and this study make me think that the correlation

Not to mention the end is the very definition an anti-climax

Hey io9, I think I’m going to watch the first ep or two of this show just to spite you. I haven’t watched ANY of the other Marvel Netlfix shows, except for the first ep of Daredevil Season 1 as a RiffTrax. Oh, and I thought it was mostly boring, with poor dialog, and kind of cheesy.

Yes. Maybe they’ll trip right into a full Trump effect, and actually convince people to watch it just to spite io9 and it will have the biggest ratings of all 4 Marvel Netflix properties. Would serve ‘em right.

All the stars.

Interesting... I’m going to post an article on my blog-news site tomorrow entitled:

^^ This

I don’t think so. They’ve already had the KS backer premieres. And, I don’t think the Netflix date would be up until all things were final. From what I’ve read, Netflix has a very high review standard. If they’ve put a date up, it probably means that Netflix actually has the eps in hand.

So the definition of ‘a long time” is now ‘a few months’ for the spoiled internet generation? The last season of the current guy hasn’t even started airing yet. Jesus that’s spoiled.

This comments section warms my heart to see that there are other people out there that are forced to hide their innocent uncontrolled reactions lest everyone think they are an asshole. Maybe we should all get together sometime. But not for a dinner, I guess.

Right, especially if you’re not eating and so need their food. That’s when it really gets me. If I’m just sitting there and someone else is slurping or chomping. If I’m eating also, I don’t really notice it much.

Right, especially if you’re not eating and so need their food. That’s when it really gets me. If I’m just sitting there and someone else is slurping or chomping. If I’m eating also, I don’t really notice it much.

Without reading the article, and just answering the question — 3 facts, 2 of which are wrong.

I’m glad to see so many commenters on here being happy that this trailer looked fun and not all serious storytelling-y. Assuming it’s PG-13 or even PG, it looks like a fun movie to watch with my kids the summer.

Didn’t they turn that Geico Caveman into a show once too? How’d that go again?

And, god forbid, watching with your kids and through your kids eyes, you mildly enjoy it for the innocent fun it is......or is that too hard for modern jaded assholes. Maybe this movie shouldn’t be reviewed at all on a site of young adults probably mostly without kids. At least not ones too cool to bother watching the

You can literally imagine her in you head walking into the theater (late) with her little pad of paper ready, talking to herself in hushed giggles about how much the movie is going to suck and how she’s soo going to write such a great mean review of it, hee hee.

And the award for the stupidest headline of 2016 goes to...