
I wonder what this will be rated? It would be nice if it stayed in a solid TV-PG so families could watch it.

Sorry, didn’t read your article past the second paragraph because it takes very little understanding of the world to know that humanity today is better off than in the past, AND one reason many people think the world is worse today is that the average joe gets to hear about every little tragedy all over the world

Shout! currently owns all of MST3K. Are any of their other shows/movies on Netflix?

Two members, and yes, I would think that plus the reunion show and the fact that RiffTrax actually sells old MST3K eps (for part of the profit) would all but prove that everything is fine in the riff world.

I heard they stopped because Joel was the prop comic, and once he was gone no one else felt like coming up with two new prop jokes a week. Not because of some kind of bad blood.

You are not alone. My favorite Godzilla movies (and my kids too) are Godzilla vs The Sea Monster and Son of Godzilla because both are just plain fun monster movies on cool islands with fun cool secondary plots going on like spy stuff and sci fi experiments.

There’s really only one outcome here—tons of torrent downloads. It’s too bad too, cuz as others have said, this will translate into low ‘ratings’ numbers and the show will probably get axed in the first year. This is exactly what happened to Other Space and the other shows on Yahoo Screen or whatever that failed crap

Yeah! How dare those informed sci-fi and technology readers call out an article for having questionable ‘new’ technology for a current mediocre incarnation of a beloved sci-fi franchise.

To head off the foodie snob comments, many (most?) Japanese restaurants in Japan don’t server real Wasabi either. They have the paste as well and for the same reason—the price. So, when you’re eating the paste you’re still more or less getting an authentic Japanese food experience.

Totally agree. I think this whole thing is another example of how Nu Trek doesn’t get it. Your social commenting and exploring of humanity is supposed to be IN THE STORIES not in press releases from cast and crew, some of which who aren’t even part of the current version.

Well right, but if you I drew 1000 pictures and then set each one down on the table and took a picture of it, would it be stop motion or just animation. If I rendered a CGI model in 1000 poses and then took a picture of the monitor in each pose would it be stop motion or just a really silly way of creating CGI

Yes. The whole article just adds to my belief that io9 and its parent blogs are written by a bunch of 14 yr old girls. And, I should really start reading other sites.

Is it really stop motion anymore though? With 66,000 prints, the animation is obviously coming through in the computer rendered art and not by the physical animator. It kind of makes me wonder what the point is.

I just watched Man of Steel recently and thought it was all-but-excellent. I was having the same thoughts as you as I watched it, like “yeah okay, there’s some odd choices here for supes to do, but this isn’t a bad movie at all.”

enjoyed the show quite a bit (up until the Ori).

No not really. People here are talking about scopes they can’t comprehend. It’s like complaining that the restauratnt just brought you out a semi-truck load full of Pepsi instead of a whole warehouse full. Both are VASTLY more than you need for your dining requirements.

Both sites agree that the show is going to be set after the time of Kirk but before Picard.

(white, male) scientists

Written by someone who I can only assume is a millennial submerged in the new ‘great’ age of social media. Spoilers spoil stories. And it’s not new. Trailers for movies have been spoiling movies for decades.

Holy shit—actual in depth information with links to more. You’re defineitly not a Gawker ‘journalist’.