Ad don't forget to mail them a bag of turds for shitcanning Barry. Fuck these dickhats.
Ad don't forget to mail them a bag of turds for shitcanning Barry. Fuck these dickhats.
Trump: Fuuuck - they hate me!!?!
You love to see that Greg Schiano's influence has persisted after all these years.....
Nah, I get the distinct impression this fine gentleman doesn’t see the merits in higher education anyway. Hence, the exuberance towards the end.
You should rethink this taek. Or don’t. Just know it’s a terrible post and *YOU’RE* wrong about literally everything you just said.
I’m getting some serious anxiety just looking at that. For the love of god, can we get a comma or period in there somewhere.
Strong agree. You look at players like Sean Doolittle, who is by all accounts, a decent, kind, good human being....but compared to the rest of the league, he looks like the Dalai Lama
Tomorrow’s Notification in Petcheskys’s inbox:
To steal a political joke I saw recently;
“Should I go on?”
“It’s not my job to do that.”
Mark's soul.
As someone who lived in the Tampa Bay market, I was unfortunate enough to listen to this dickbag back in the day. If he fell off the face of the earth tomorrow no one would miss him.
Since Burker still has one week left I think he should dub some Yakety Sax over this.
the day Jameson became Presidential....
Came here looking for “Boy do they have egg on their face” and was pleasantly surprised by even worse dad-puns.
As a resident of Florida, I *reluctantly* give you many stars.
Collectively, these comments form the foundation of an emerging kinja market, whose broad appeal to multiple demographics will undoubtedly sustain the next generation of yuks.
Fair enough, but why did he have to yell about the editors note though?