Black Wally West

I never cared if he disagreed with the officials. I just don’t think it’s right that he disrespected the flag and those who died to protect his freedom.

If CBS values my opinion so much why isn't Kevin James buried neck deep in hippo shit right now?

How sweet, HamNo brought his grandmother over from Gawker too!

In what way are money managers and stock pickers not a bunch of motherfuckers?



I think your list also missed Darren Sharper. Darren fucking “serial rapist” Sharper.

“I don’t want him anywhere near my team,” one front office executive said. “He’s a traitor.”

I was talking about sports.

Just a reminder of some of the things that have happened since Rae Carruth’s arrest and conviction:

This seems like a perfect segue into a story about the lack of minorities working in NFL front offices.

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.

Great. Now I want to go to McDonalds.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

You’re exactly correct. Unfortunately there’s a moronic subset of the population in this country that are so blindly loyal to the symbols of this country (not the ideals mind you, they’d never live up to those) that any challenge to one of them is a challenge to all of them. So you get a situation where a guy doesn’t

Non-American here, not really getting all this noise, I was under the impression that the purpose of your military was to protect the interests of the country abroad and (when required) defend the country and constitution from attack. If that is accurate, then does the military not EXIST to protect the right to free

Gotta give them credit to actually replies.

I’m sorry but I’d take a little bit of sloppyness over the total and absolute lack of sense of volume or motion that plagues western cartoons today. Almost all of them look like the simpsons now. Or worse, like newgrounds flash cartoons. Flat characters that are drawn with a blatant disregard for 3D shape, googly eyes

So we have been downgrading then...

Man the older animation looked so much better. I never understood modern western animation’s animosity towards character detail. It’s already quite simple and undetailed compared to Japanese anime, why simplify it further.