Black Wally West

They do in Texas.

That’s not what I’m saying. FERPA also covers health records that belong to students. So unless the victims want to be identified, the university can’t. Same goes with the Violence Against Women Act, they are shielded from having to revel themselves in public. And so far, only one victim has come out publicly, so this

Also an adjunct. Everyone is supposed to air on the side of caution. The report was supposed to come out next weekend, so I can see the university lawyers not having finished combing over the report and releasing a summary instead.

Paterno. I got it. It just wasn’t funny or clever.

THe report said so little that Deadspin only got three articles out of it.

There is no Briles statue.



No, it means that the university is “supposed to hold itself to higher standards.” This is something that obviously happens at secular schools, but not Jesus camp. So failing to protect its students because of footbaw is worse.

VAWA and FERPA prohibit that.

The Federal law that prohibits name is VAWA. FERPA covers the medical and legal records of students. This case would fall under both these laws.

What an ugly motherfucker.

Man, that game w—-

Goddammit. I know exactly what you’re talking about. Fucking WCW.

“we Democrats”

C’mon. He had it coming.

Meh, I’ll be picking Stein instead, since I live in a safely-red state. But I’m glad that, at least right now, it seems the electorate will choose someone only slightly to the right of Sanders over the second coming of Mussolini.