Except Morrison didn’t want to, but was forced due to heavy-handed editorial interference. Now, continuity has been loosened to allow stories to breathe on their own.
Except Morrison didn’t want to, but was forced due to heavy-handed editorial interference. Now, continuity has been loosened to allow stories to breathe on their own.
“People” aka morons.
Who gives a shit?
“Fans felt like Star Trek belonged to them and now the studio has turned it into something people will actually like.”
Yet they still made more money than all the previous ones. That’s what really makes ST fans angry, that their antiquated, boring franchised was made popular.
Hooray for Cancer!
Shake, dummy. Shake my Head.
So retcon her to stop retconning her?
YES! Give into your butthurt. Dance for us, kid. Dance!
IRL this will make most people happy. In Internetland, this is THE WORST THING EVAR!
Shut the fuck up.
DC “fans”: “We want the old Superman back!”
“Fuck STEM” - All Humanities majors.
Hey kid. I’ve been reading comics since before you were born and have seen the audience dwindle away slowly as newer, cheaper means of entertainment rise up. Anything comics can do to attract new fans is worth a shot.
I would caution against “most”. TKJ is still highly regarded among the fanbase, even if not as much as a decade, or even five years, ago.
This is the dumbest thing I’ll read today.
Bullshit. That guy was offensive as hell to Latinos.
Yes, and that’s not one.