
Hey everyone, Norm’s here!

Except for “hey, can you spot me?” or “excuse me, can I work in on that machine?” there should be no talking in the gym. People who use the gym for social hour just end up blocking off equipment they aren’t using and then giving you the shit-eye for asking them to move so you can actually work out.

I can’t concentrate while listening to anything with vocals. Instrumental only.

I was shocked at how hard this album rips

Mariner is another word for seaman, in case you wanted to spice up that headline

The pro-life movement isn’t about humane treatment of humans. It never was. It has always been about capital’s insatiable hunger for cheap labor.

He was talking about Family Circus. You seem like more of a Zits reader though

Tried it and I gotta say I’m impressed. They got the Whopper’s signature unwashed anus flavor *chef’s kiss* just right

Sounds like paradise

“Go the fuck to work”

I still haven’t learned to read.

You only need to lick the boot. There’s no extra credit for deep throating it.

Are they also going to, out of sensitivity to the community, stop murdering people overseas?

Me: Alexa, I feel insufficiently spied upon

Me: Alexa, I feel insufficiently spied upon

Recently upgraded to one of these bad boys:

Recently upgraded to one of these bad boys:

If you spend more than $50 on a t-shirt you plan to sweat in it should be legal to steal from you

If you spend more than $50 on a t-shirt you plan to sweat in it should be legal to steal from you

Stretched Rectums is my favorite David Bowie song RIP