enjoy stormfront
Barack Obama’s legacy will be one of taking ineffectual public stances on things.
i have the weirdest boner right now
kimbrel is the best relief pitcher in baseball. you don’t trade the best anything for one decent prospect, one minor league nobody, a supplemental round pick and two washed-up dudes making $17m a year between them
you might not even be able to say that about them anymore
don’t worry, i heard coldplay is working on new material
Mt. Rushmore is beautiful at night. You’re free to just imagine it being a regular mountain that a bunch of idiots didn’t desecrate with some old dumbasses’ faces.
Also, don't declaw your cat, asshole.
sorry about your little penis
You're Watching NCAA Basketball, Brought to You By Slave Labor: The Official Fuel of Free Markets™
"herb" grinder, sure man, whatever, lol
"herb" grinder, sure man, whatever, lol
I'm praying for you
it rhymes with 'hot' and 'not' so it only sounds like 'thought' if you're white trash from boston
it does stand for that and it's pronounced phonetically
So wasteful. If you're not disabled, elderly, or otherwise physically restricted from making a regular cup of coffee, and you use K-Cups, you're a lazy, negligent dick. I don't care if you reuse a few as starter pots (which will end up in landfill anyway).