
You mean all the people winning the HermanCainAward?

Saw those. Mine looks better and is red 

You would have to pay me to take one.

Jesus. Still 14k for a Chevy Trax.... get that horrible ugly thing below a thousand and we’ll talk.

Thanks. I appreciate the reply and looking into it.

Thanks. I appreciate the reply and looking into it.

Thanks for the suggestion! We’re always looking for ways to improve the format, so I’ll regroup with the team and discuss this idea. 😊

Thanks for the suggestion! We’re always looking for ways to improve the format, so I’ll regroup with the team and

As much as I personally appreciate the sex toys, I wish there were a way to display (or share with work colleagues...) a version of Inventory without the toy posts. I used to share posts with deals people were looking for. Now I really can’t. Hopefully it’s pretty clear that HR would frown on that.

As much as I personally appreciate the sex toys, I wish there were a way to display (or share with work

Moisten the scones, for they are unacceptably dry.

They damn well better call it the Power Ranger. 

No need for a speedometer in reverse

It’s Canada. They asked politely and said please, so the driver really had no other option.

hole-y grail?

David Tracy unexpected finds that Tetanus is the cure for COVID-19 and makes millions off of people flocking to his back yard for the earthy medication

That advice is....(•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■)...right on target. 

“He died as he lived: in a small nylon bag.”

I hear the patent owner Al E. Gator couldn’t be reached for comment, but could be seen in an oversized fedora, trench coat, and what looked like green boots. 

Now playing

And to anybody wondering what did happen to the “other” Timo.

The most Finnish way is delivering that economic report while sniping Russian officers.


great, now i’ve got to esplain this mess on my slacks to my co-workers.