or about.... any of the motorsports this weekend? Moto GP had a 4 row lead for pole at the start, WRC was in Corsica, apparently some Nascar stuff in Texas, Formula D kicked off (in before “figure skating” comments)
or about.... any of the motorsports this weekend? Moto GP had a 4 row lead for pole at the start, WRC was in Corsica, apparently some Nascar stuff in Texas, Formula D kicked off (in before “figure skating” comments)
this is key. Power cap is limited by tire. Sure, you have have 2500 hp, but you can’t put it to the ground.
STi Pet peeve time: The steering wheel isn’t aligned with the seat. It’s close... but it’s not. Is that what you were trying to show here?
This is my favorite “car sub culture that I would never participate in.” Like, I’d never drive one, or buy the wheels (They’re $1000+ EACH), but by god, if I don’t give someone driving them a thumbs up. I’m glad someone takes silly things to a level of complete excess!
Interesting. Insurance is easy enough to cover - and like some others in this thread are saying, ATV’s often need registration - do those get lumped into the same “no use here” category?
That’s interesting. It could still be used in many (most?) OHV parks, where a small jeep can play on terrain that would be challenging for them!
Really? You think the Halo is the point at which this vehicle loses aesthetic? Its not the growth of wings protruding from where the side mirror mounts? Or the front wing, sponsored by Gillette? Or the hunchback rear fin? Nope, definitely the Halo that makes this look terrible....
None of you F1 fan bois can bitch about the Halo when the rest of the car looks like that....
Tide Pod edition?
i’m on Hawk HP+ pads on my e90 M3. The dust like crazy, and sound like a trash truck at low speeds. I love ‘em.
YES: The sweat bands on top of the master cylinder reservoirs. I have to do that on my e90 M3, because, as shown here, its a BMW “feature”
Am i the only one that sees those back seat cubbies as being horribly uncomfortable? If you’re going to have a crew cab, and a real back seat, at least make it survivable for a long trip. Putting a door in the middle of the seat would be terrible for anything beyond 30 minutes!
Return? Have you seen the blinged out, chrome grilled crap that the big three have pumped out for the last few years? Chrome grilles are the worst.
ugh. I’m going to be “that guy”: PLEASE PUT A HELMET ON. Your noggin will not like contacting the hard metal roll cage in the event you hit something (like the building you’re doing donuts around?). And really,
did the convertible get a Zero Star rating because it doesn’t notify the driver they’re about to be crushed?
i don’t think the car weight is the limiting factor here. I think its simply the forces that the tires are going to experience going 300 MPH. The Chiron has 355/25/21's on the rear (those are 28x14's for you Jeepers). That means that they are spinning at 6191 rpm at 300 MPH, assuming that the tire is still true, and…
mmm... those were good for *much* more torque than that...
The sad part is... i’m getting better Tesla coverage from Instagram stories of redbull employees than i am from a car blog...
soo.... a Polaris RZR? 4 seats, 4wd, CVT, windshieldless (optionally)
I heard this campfire word as well (and as high at $20/car/day). Makes their post about “helping the relief efforts” come across a bit differently, doesn’t it? At $15/car/day, i’d park flood cars in my front yard as well.