Buffy started 25 years ago

Yeah, the weird Israel rant from Bigby was a “oh this recontextualizes authorial voice for the entire story so far” moment for me and also about the place I stopped reading.

Also, Bigby is basically just Wolverine. And, I mean, lots of comics characters are basically just Wolverine, but legitimately Bigby is close enough to Wolverine that you could probably just make a lot of the Bigby-focused stories Wolverine stories without changing the art and only changing about 10% of the text.

It’s always amazing to me how much they were able to get away with in that Castlevania anime. Ostensibly the plot of the final season was that a whole bunch of vampires were conspiring to resurrect Dracula and the heroes had to stop them. But that was sort of happening in the background of a bunch of other scenes

To clarify, unless I missed a news story somewhere, Avengers isn’t shutting down, they just stopped the development of new content for it. You can still play it in both single-player and multiplayer.

(Now they almost certainly WILL shut it down at some point, but as of right now they haven’t said they will.)

On the one hand, I’m sure that his version of the 2016 Suicide Squad is better than the one that got to theatres, a movie that was reportedly cut by a team that had little experience putting together feature-length films.

The prequels were always good ideas mostly executed poorly, while the sequel trilogy was more inconsistent. The Force Awakens was no ideas executed well. Last Jedi were ideas a lot of people didn’t like executed well, and Rise of Skywalker was bad ideas executed poorly.

Also, he has a dumb hat, and in the non-D&D class sense of the word, he’s absolutely a bard. That just strangely isn’t his class.

[Most pedantic nerd voice] Um actually Volo is a wizard, not a bard. (Just not a very good wizard)

I think they’re in a tough spot narratively with Frozen because they can’t really give Elsa a romantic partner (a male partner would very clearly be a betrayal of the barely subtext of the first movie—and would piss off a huge number of peopleand a female or otherwise queer partner would make it a “culture war” thing

The only really big problem with the movie was the ending: the comic flipped the entire “put in coins to win the girl” premise on its head, while the movie stripped Ramona of all of her agency.

(Which isn’t to say that was Wright’s fault, the ending to the movie was written first, and is more obvious, even though the

They all did a full-cast read together during the pandemic, and the general sense you got was that it was a very important and transformational project for a lot of them and they all enjoyed working on it. Other than Michael Cera, and maybe Kieran Culkin (assuming they include more of his character as this is probably

My guess is that they can probably pretty easily get back all the actors who have characters still alive except for Alba Baptista, who will probably ask for more money than they have because she was the lead and she now has a much higher profile (despite not actually being in any other stuff). They did sort of write

Well, they kill off the lead character from the comic in, like, the first five minutes, so it isn’t like it’s a super faithful adaptation.

I’m just happy that she no longer seems to be doing borderline-blackface

FWIW I think the overall writing quality of Witcher stuff goes about like this:

1: The short stories
2: Witcher 3
3: Witcher 2
4: The novels
5: Witcher 1

I mean, it’s really as simple as “season 2 was bad, blood origin was TERRRIBLE, and season 3, while better, didn’t really fix the main problems introduced in season 2.”

This is entirely correct except for TMNT (2007) should probably move all the way up to #3. It’s certainly much better than Ninja Turtles 3

Yeah, it always looked like a movie intended for TV, and still does, despite it being excellent. I do wish that they could go back and redo the animation from the roughs/storyboards to something more applicable to HD/4K

It’s also hilarious since this new Transformers movie ALREADY directly contradicts his last one it a pretty major way.

(Though for real though: Is GI-Joe even a thing anymore? There’s no cartoon, no toys aimed at anyone under 40. It feels completely out of the moment.)

I mean, F9 did pretty good.