Buffy started 25 years ago

I would just like to point out that basically at no point in the entire show’s run was the conversation “this is an amazing and awesome show” it was always “this is a convoluted mess, remember when this was good?” That shit started in the back half of season 1.

(I jest, at least some of the conversation was “I kind of

Yes that’s 125%. That’s why they call it Super Earth.

I would say that this is much closer to STARSHIP TROOPERS than Earth Defense Force, which has a much more cheesy, “Showa-era Godzilla” aesthetic to it.

Basically it’s 75% Starship Troopers, 25% Terminator, and 25% Warhammer 40K.

A Way Out’s last-act twist is pretty dumb, because the whole ass game is MIDNIGHT RUN, but the end makes you realize they thought they were copying HEAT.

I’ve been pretty disappointed by how well it runs on a PS5.

Elden Ring is also, to put it delicately, not nearly as optimized from a technical perspective compared to Death Stranding or any of the modern Resident Evil games.

The “pathetic guitarist” is the closest thing that the first game has to a big bad, and he’s back here, but jokerfied.

To be fair, I feel like Death Stranding in particular really plays intentionally in the uncanny valley for human interaction to create a sense of unreality in a world where the veil between life and death has been torn open.

To be clear: Sales numbers show that significantly more 360 games were sold than Wii games in NA. It wasn’t especially close. And I’m not even saying that there weren’t many great Wii games, there were, just that for enthusiast gamers the 360 was the “main” system for the generation in North America. And, again, it

I mean, in North America the 360 was the leading platform of the generation. The Wii sold more console units, but basically no one bought any games for it beyond Wii Sports and maybe one or two others. If you cared about games, you likely had a 360. It wasn’t until near the end of the generation that the PS3 caught up

I timed out some of the battles, and a few of the later ones legitimately had 30 seconds of the camera panning around before you could input a command (probably to mask loading).

It really is “Final Fantasy XI” in a way that the actual Final Fantasy XI wasn’t, and had top-notch storytelling with a level of nuance that a lot of the other games in the series lacked.

Yeah, I remember when the game came out, I basically told everyone who was planning to play it that Kingsglaive was essentially a part of the game and required viewing. There’s even a specific point in the game where you basically pretty explicitly should put down the controller and watch Kingsglaive as if it’s a big

FF15 is probably a better game now in hindsight than it was when it came out. I remember it being quite distracting how very clearly unfinished it was (the last 10 hours of the game are you rushing past the pretty clearly uncomplete second continent in a train instead of exploring it, the grand city that’s both

It’s still wild to me that WandaVision shows up at the top of so many of these lists. It was wildly ambitious, and had some amazing performances ... but the sitcom episodes are almost unwatchable beyond how ambitious they are, and the stuff at the end of the season is just standard Marvel stuff.

(Don’t get me wrong, it

I liked Halo S1 more than a lot of the hardcore fans (and I think a lot of the changes and compromises they made were done in the need of narrative efficiency for combining the two most interesting threads of the Halo fiction, namely that the UNSC sucks and the Covenant attack). That said, I think Schreiber is bang on

It was “Just buy this Brother laser printer. Everyone has it. It’s fine”

That’s certainly how it is for season 1. It starts getting pretty fucking weird after that.

Yeah, the fact that it got killed after 5 seasons actually made no sense based on its season 4 ratings (season 5 was a bit different since those episodes were so clearly laid out to die). Then you realize a) it was on CBS and weird as fuck, so can’t have that and b) it was one of the few shows on CBS that they didn’t

The best selling Xbox in Japan was the 360, mostly because Microsoft poured a metric tonne of money into creating a Japanese market for it, including commissioning two exclusive Hironobu Sakaguchi RPGs. It still didn’t sell especially well.