Buffy started 25 years ago

When Blizzard announced that they were killing the Overwatch 2 campaign (ie the whole point of adding the “2") it was pretty clear to me that they were low-key announcing that they were winding down the game. Of course, since there was still a lot of content in the queue left over from what they got done from the

Yeah, I just assumed that fewer people were complaining about that because it was so obviously edited in such a way that it COULD be retconned as a misdirect in the next movie (even if that wasn’t the plan when they shot it).

It’s always struck me as surprising that Yu-Gi-Oh! only has one supported format, which ostensibly contains all of the cards. Wizards of the Coast felt doing that would make Magic too complex in 1996

Yeah, this. I thought the show was very clear that he knows she’s a Skrull.

The problem with this version of Luthor, I think, is that they’ve presented him as scary and ruthless ... but I feel like no version of Luthor capable of being a real threat to Superman would get stuck in jail for 17 years for a crime he didn’t even do.

Alternate headline: Simple skinner boxes exploiting basic psychology and preying on those with addictive personalities syphon away 75% of games industry revenue.

John Carter is a former Confederate soldier who has sci-fi adventures based on wacky early 20th century conceptions that there could be breathable air and alien races on Mars; conceptions fueled by the fact that humans didn’t yet have telescopes powerful enough to tell them otherwise. Is there something there that

This was a legit normal, non-preview screening, albeit one that happened at 3:30pm on Thursday.

The idea is that time is non-linear, so for a certain event to happen, the past would need to be different to make it happen. (ie Timey Whimely Wibbly Wobbly)

Wait ... you saw an end-credit scene with Aquaman at the end of the movie? Legit was just the Clooney thing then a black screen at the end of the credits at my screening. WEEEEEEIRD

Whole lot of cops in this thread

I am now remembering back to 2018's THE PREDATOR, and how the entire thing was built around a big reveal at the end of what was in the super secret case/capsule mcguffin that had been floating around through the whole movie. It was SUPPOSED to be Dutch from Predator 1 cryogenically frozen (but Schwarzenegger said no).

A note: the original game was six player, not four, so if this is only four player that would be a reduction from the base game.

For some reason I had thought that Usagi Yojimbo had been sold to Nickelodeon around the same time as TMNT, but nope, still owned by Sakai. I imagine the money Sakai gets from these intermittent TMNT appearances dwarfs any money he actually gets from the comic.

Strangely I think the sticking point isn’t Miller’s Flash, but Keaton’s Batman and Calle’s Supergirl, both of whom would contradict the rebooted versions of Batman and Superman in the new Gunn-verse. Gunn has been happy to let things stick from the Synderverse as long as he wasn’t planning on changing them (much like

FWIW the most serious and reputationally damaging thing Miller was accused of (grooming a teen and then separating said teen from their parents after the teen turned 18) was never something that became a formal legal accusation. It should also be noted that even in the world of celebrity assholes “queer teen cuts

The low-key most important part of this story is that the script is already written (speculation: probably as part of the full-court press pitch to get The Rock to return), which means the AGRESSIVE plan to have this release next year is actually possible.

I do sort of love how many commenters are missing that Germain saw the movie and thinks it’s good and is framing this as a “social media reacts” piece so as to be allowed to post a story saying “I saw the movie and I think it’s good” in a way that does not violate the embargo.

Paul Wesley is older than Shatner was in TOS, and is playing a version of Kirk who’s supposed to be 5-7 years younger. It’s a bit weird.

Of these I think only really Maleficent kind of fits that though, no? Like, you can argue that turning the story into a rape-revenge story was a bad or distasteful one, but you can’t argue that doing so wasn’t a wildly ambitious choice and one that absolutely differentiated it and its purpose from the source material.