
you're welcome.

Mentally told the show to go fuck itself multiple times during the episode. Actual said it when they started playing 'Exit Music' What a waste of 10 hours.

Quite brave of Gelman to make this stand when he's had 0 women on his writing or production teams for his past few specials.

So… if she got the info from the 'flash forwards' and still managed to learn the language and save the day - why did she need to have the daughter? Seems a bit selfish. I didn't quite get that aspect.

I promise. I've vented now.

Thats some shitty storytelling if thats the case.

This episode was full of so much bullshit that the show has lost me. C'mon - You walk around a host that is featured in the marketing material of your organistion and no one notices? You let her play with your computer screen in full view of everyone? You don't think to turn her off when she holds a knife to your

Had to turn off his 'You made it weird' ep because it was just constant schtick and impressions. Just felt so tryhard and sad.

Why you say this? :(

This one was a beautiful palate cleanser after 'Shut Up and Dances' (This seaason is ordered perfectly btw). So much to love in it. Actually got a little overwhelmed with the shot of the racks and racks of souls in heaven. Couldnt decide whether the idea of trapping your soul forever is a good one or a bad one.

First episode ever to make me physically ill. And I totally missed that he was was looking at child porn. I thought that part was a lie that the trolls had concocted. Thats how much sympathy they garnered from me.

Oh jesus, thank you. I thought the exact same thing

came in hoping to see mention of this. Was not disappointed

The Install countdown gag my be my favourite gag from this season.

C'mon av club, his real response is ' No. I don’t care about that. That’s nothing to me. That’s not real.'

I'm with you. I'm still going to be coming back here to read the reviews rather than watch though. Same as what I did with Dexter.

This is true…

Thats if they get a second season.

I tapped out last week for these reasons. It just doesn't seem like the showrunners are telling a story well.

Man, 'People react to Ghostbusters' is the easiest take of an article to write at the moment.