
I was willing to give this movie a chance until I found out it has a lady Slimer. It can't be good if that shit idea is encased inside it.

YES! Fantastic article. Glad someone has written a level headed piece on it. Much calmer than I could manage.

Thats not Stay Puft. Its the logo ghost.

Quinncannon's in this already? Hmmmm…. I dunno.

The rumours worry me too, but if you listen to the nerdist podcast with Jen Kirkman where she talks about the whole thing (after blowing it all up) she says that she's on good terms with 'the guy' and she makes a point that comedians make shit up about each other all the time. That coming from the person who broke

With you on this. Every interview I've seen with Lena Dunham convinces me that she is just as insufferable as Hannah. Her WTF was a chore - it was like she was trying as hard as she could to show that she was the quirkiest, weirdest, most out there person.

A high-school stoner.

No probs with the girls loving Hilary and her actual cameo was ok. But the straight up 'Lets list all the wonderful things Hilary has done' bit in the boardroom was gross. If any other candidate had done that people would have been annoyed. It was political propaganda.

Thanks for this spoiler space!

An early review of the film claims he does a bit more than that.

Yes! I want heaps for Jaime in this season.

Is this where we suggest Vomit scenes? Because Ron's vomit at the end of the 'James Rolf High School Twentieth Reunion' episode of Party Down is golden.

The movie is worth watching for her performance. She's incredible.

Predestination falls apart once you realise whats going on though. Which is pretty heavily alluded to in one of the very first scenes. Its far too interested in being clever than telling an interesting story.

Incidentally - Leena Kohen's collected works are in the Jeff Vandermeer bundle right now. And I might just grab it after it made this list.

Imma be that guy - Couldn't finish 'The girl on The Train' due to its obvious 'I'm keeping a big secret from you' and the fact that I didn't give a shit. Skipped to the end - got the twist and saved my time.


Dude - no one gives him work because he's constantly late and fucks shit up. Only 3 of the 9 episodes of the new R&S were produced on time and they were all garbage.

Oh what I'm gonna do ta you…..
I'm so Angry. First I'm gonna tear your lips out. Yeah. That's what I'm gonna do.'