
He did. But compare the quality of the earlier R&S to this. Hell - even the revamped R&S. He claims he wants to bring quality animation to the screen but his stuff is just ugly and messy. HE's old news.

Not really. In the time he did the kickstarter he's done two Simpsons couch gags and a bunch of other shit.

Ah, sorry to hear that dude. When I saw the kickstarter I was trying to warn as many people as possible not to donate because the dude is notorious for going overbudget and just not finishing shit.

Dude used to be my hero. Now he only produces ugly, messy shit like this.

ahhh lots of people paid him through kickstarter to produce a new George Liquor cartoon that he *still hasn't finished*

This was on in the afternoon for you guys? Whoa. In Australia we got it during the awesome SBS 8:30pm Saturday Night weird animation slot with Liquid TV. Can't imagine this being an afterschool thing.

Excited for this but would be even more excited if E*Vax released a followup to 'Parking Lot Music' Discovered that album a few years ago and its one of my alltime faves. And it just sits there by itself.

What? Hang on - so they've started season 5? Didn't season 4 just finish? This show! with its stupid mid season hiatus.

Solid A. Only episode this season that I immediately watched again once it was done. So much to love.
-Jacobson's drunk acting was spot on
-'It's a throwback Thursday'
'But it'd Friday?'
'I'm just stupid'
-The soft reintroduction of Garol.
-The tiny little 'fuck you' gesture Ilana gave Nicole before she left the work


Was that Tilda for real???



Cannot get enough of these two. This will do nicely until January.

These reviews are great! I'm loving the breakdown an analysis.


Sweet! I wasn't sure what the rad cunts here would think! I too think it is a beautiful word.

They're going to continue to encourage those horrible Comic Book cunts? Urrgh. The Worst.
(apologies for language, but thats the only word thats appropriate for that bearded Brian fuck)