
(The great barrier reef is nowhere near Melbourne)

I loved that line too but you explored it further than I did. Nice words friend.

This one killed me. We've been binging the whole show over the last month and this is the first one to get under my skin and make me cry. I don't know what it was. Maybe the cumulative effect of everything we've been through with these characters but I couldn't do anything after watching it.

I had high hopes for 'Fake News' but unsubscribed after a few episodes because its so boring and does nothing new. Same as this video - what did it actually show or prove?

It is! Except I was reading it on my iPad and couldn't throw it so I had to angrily delete it from my kindle app AND my kindle purchase history.

The send off was great. I love that they didn't give us what we 'wanted'. They slowly phased all the men out before the finale. We got the perfect Desi final image. Adam went back to Jessa and we got an unconventional, but lovely, finale for Ray. And a beautifully sad goodbye to Jessa. And Elijah!

Holy shit I wrote my comment before reading yours.

Look, I like Saga. I do. Even though I feel it'd spinning it's wheels a little bit and hope it wraps soonish.
But I'm getting a little tired of its attempts to shock and be edgy.
Close up of a vagina. Close up of an erect cock. Giant balls. It just feels like it's trying too hard some times.

Since season 1 they've always nailed the music.

Also said he was going to shop Horace and Pete around. I wouldn't be surprised if it shows up on Netflix within the year.

Are you? She said a comedian was creepy with her (crept up to her and said 'I'm gonna fuck you' or something)

'all the charges'? From who?

A-Men. Ace Ventura remains the single, most hilarious movie memory I have. We all went in with no idea, cried with laughter for 90 mins and just walked away in a daze, minds blown at what we had just seen.

C+? Harsh!

Absolutely. Its a criminally overlooked show that is flat out incredible in some spots. An impressive tightrope walk.

I used to love this show but after season 4 I couldn't get the energy to go back. Is it worth visiting S5 to get to S6?

I loved this book. So much so I bashed it out in two days and it was just over way too soon. I was consoled with the fact that I know I'll return to it again and again. It's just unlike anything else I've ever read. I'm fairly green to Saunders (only read the Tenth of December at the end of last year) so I've still

Remember when he said he was retiring from movies altogether?

That and the main character was deeply unlikeable.

'It’s as if Gervais thought he was the only thing that mattered about The Office, and that his talent would illuminate everyone around him.'