Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone

You forgot the second-most-important piece of that puzzle after “keep them uneducated”:

I have four request of Mick Mulvaney:
1. Eat shit.

The morning after the 2016 election the Jehovah’s Witness lobby decided to pick the exact wrong time to try to convert me. After screaming at them to get the hell off my property they haven’t been back.

“And won’t share his income tax”

“Wakko packs away the snacks, Trump hates Mexicans and blacks...”

They need to wait for a president who plays the sax or the theme song won’t work.

I’ll never recognize the “you force” narrative as valid. It abdicates all personal responsibility.

I’m not sure it’s bullshitting, but in typical sycophant ignorance fashion, see sees the trees but not the forest.

Tzitzi-Ya-Ku (Flash Bro) gives me the best moments in the game...

Hey Katherine as a black woman would say, “Show me the lie.” He “won” The Presidency with the lowest minority percentage in history.He’s made it his and the administrations mission to attack and demonize anyone non white and non hetero in this country. So please tell me why should she shut up? Has anyone told Bernie

we dont need no water, let the motherfucker burn.


And the AP’s Zeke Miller reports that Trump says he made the decision to fire Tillerson “by myself.”

Clinton mega-donor Haim Saban

Ugh. “Video games cause violence” is such dumb, dumb, dumb argument. Go look at graph of violent crime statistics, from day DOOM was released until now. It go straight down almost without interruption. Obama years were safest point in American history. If our culture is having effect, it pretty profoundly good one.

Dear White Folks:

Any relation to Ted Cruz? And where was this kid when Oswald shot Kennedy?

Well, it’s certainly “head-in-ass”, so I think it’s still technically “tongue-in-cheek”, just not the cheek they were going for.

Yeah, seems like this was a time bomb, just waiting to go off. Glad I don’t watch, or write weirdly self-congratulatory, fawning pieces about her show. On the other hand, her impression of Sean Young’s shoulders in Blade Runner is spot-on.