Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone

This is Alien vs. Predator all over again.

You don’t think Tom Brady could have brought peace to the Middle East? /s 

*Slaps roof of car* This badboy can fit so much trunk in its backseat. 


It doesn’t hurt, okay. It doesn’t hurt. All those moments will be lost in time, maybe, in the computer. Time to die.

Pictured: an apt representation of Trump’s current predicament. 

Retires, impeached, dies from the toxic chemicals absorbed into his system through contact with the soccer ball Putin gave him. Any way works for me, really. 

He knows he doesn’t get to take Air Force One with him when he leaves the Presidency, right? 

Actually, I would love to see him have it and try to figure out what to do with it. 

It’s almost as if time and time again Republicans prove that Party-First gets shit done, and Democrats can’t just follow through with that sentiment to get shit done for dumb reasons like “my feelings” or “I just don’t trust her” or “but her emails” or whatever dumb shit they come up with. We’re in a bad spot, this

The question of who rescues Scott from the Quantum Realm is pretty easy to answer though. They were going to go get healing particles for Ava. So she and Lawrence Fishburn’s character must know that they were off on a harvesting mission. When they don’t show up with the particles, they science up a tracking device,

Watching this reminds me of those videos you used to see on America’s Funniest Home Videos. The entire wedding party standing on a rickety old dock, or a rickety old patio, whatever. A good ~50 people standing on something that was not built to have ~50 people on it at one time. And then they all go tumbling down. 

I love it when that episode of Chopped comes on cause I can actually say “Hey! I know who that guys is!”

Agree completely. I have absolutely no interest in team based shooters but I can appreciate the completely bonkers amount of detail and uniqueness that goes into all the characters from Overwatch. If this was a game that had a single player campaign along the lines of like, just as an example lets say Borderlands, I’d

“Supporting seniors is bad!” says old man. 

You know the bitch ain’t right if she talks about herself in the third person.