I like their folk story about the man from space who travels in a blue phone booth and kidnaps young ladies and takes them on “adventures”.
I like their folk story about the man from space who travels in a blue phone booth and kidnaps young ladies and takes them on “adventures”.
The period of time when they leave is when they’re most likely to be murdered by their abusers. That woman maybe shouldn’t be running a shelter if she doesn’t understand the psychology behind the cycle of abuse.
Far be it from me to tell someone how to run a women’s shelter, but it seems like blaming women for the situations they find themselves in - situations perpetrated by an abuser - is maybe not the most sensitive reaction to someone’s traumatic experience.
Indeed, some have reported that the girl’s words were “we come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow.”
I had a lot of guys pressure me into doing things I wasn’t comfortable with in my twenties - and in one case I had a guy pull me into his bedroom and do shit like aziz is accused of.
I went to the Troy site in Turkey a few years ago, and while the hypothetical Iliad Troy was one of several layers and the site had incentive to play up the “history” as much as possible — to the point of having a giant hollow wooden horse you can climb in — they did everything short of coming right out and saying…
Hypochromic anemia, or “green sickness,” is a disease that leaves red blood cells paler than normal.
Ah, that’s an interpretation I can live with. I remember loving BN when it came out, especially how flawed and altogether human the characters were, and I guess I just wanted Aaron to be better than he was able to be. We all have our limits and honestly, I don’t think I’d want to hang out with any of those characters…
“and ate only fava beans.”
I was a staunch defender of “Family Guy” up until 2010, when suddenly it was like a switch was thrown and I got why everybody bagged on it. Don’t even know what to attribute the change to (it kind of reminded me of an old Onion brief, about a guy who’s a fan of Limp Bizkit and then one day realizes that they actually…
It’s just so damn mean-spirited. Watching it actively makes me feel bad. Even stuff like It’s Always Sunny feels less cruel than Family Guy.
Daniel Simpson-Day-Lewis...has no grade point average. All courses...incomplete.
I dismiss Family Guy without cavil, and i am not insane. I do not like it. It trades humour for crassness and meanness. It is not a comedy; it is a meanedy.
I loved the original three season run. Perfect example of Brilliant but Cancelled. I watched the entire return season patiently waiting for it to get good again. I occasionally watch an episode here or there remembering how good it once was. I’m always disappointed. I wish it had just stayed cancelled.
Family Guy has never been great but it was good before it got canceled. it came back wrong.
It pains me to say it, but Broadcast News doesn’t shine as brightly any more for me. Aaron’s “You really blew the lid off nookie” reaction to the piece on date rape, and his absolutely shitty way of dealing with the fact that Jane doesn’t reciprocate his romantic feelings (friendzoned in the 80s! He should shit-talk…
Literally no part of this conversation makes any sense to me. Where did anybody here defend the Republican Party?
Let’s see if I can follow this.
KeyserRoll posted, “Both heartbreaking and disgusting.” Or vice versa. Same difference, I’m not rewriting it.
nevermondays retorts, “But if he was a Republican running for…
I really enjoyed how the first season balanced science info with biographies of little-known but amazing scientists. It really helped personalize it. And nice to draw attention to the work of groundbreaking scientists at a time when science itself is under siege by certain regressive forces in our society.
She’s nuts, but not as bad as the sinister Aynn Randice.
When John Williams sat down to compose ... The Last Jedi, Williams ... muddled ... notes, to ... tip them off that “this is not ... the way ....”