
Jesus. I’m 34 and grew up with Star Wars. I went to see the updated films in theaters in the 90’s. I cut school to see the first showing of Phantom Menace having bought the tickets 3 weeks in advance. I have the original VHS box set that I am NEVER getting rid of since it’s the BEST version. And I wasn’t the only girl

In fairness they tried to arrest Bruce but he was nowhere to be found.

Lamborghini cars should be limited to 15mph from the factory.

Thanks for the recap in text. Now I am sure I will not click on the video.

Athena: A tiny device that can alert your family and update your twitter about your sexual assault.

Here is a little device you can carry on you as well. Much more effective.

I know it's supposed to be clever but that sign went over my head.’s par for the course? It’s Bethesda. Their games are huge and you can do lots of things in them, so of course there’s gonna be crazy bugs. That being said, this is the reason I don’t mind waiting 2-4 weeks for a patch that fixes the really broken sh!t.

Trident with only two prongs = Bident?

Yea. I thought that too. Fucking weirdos.

Lolwut? People look back at their cars all the time?

3D mission editor. Optimizations. Tanoa teasers.

You know what? Fuck you.

This is an unreasonably long and thorough analysis of something that doesn’t matter.

You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

This is why I struggle so much with basically all ‘feel good’ viral things. It just becomes a giant circle- jerk of self-congratulations. Like the ice bucket challenge was great in the instances where people actually made a donation after their Facebook video, but otherwise it’s just more ‘loooook at meeeeee’ (which,

Ugh, this game sucks.

I thought maybe they ran into the Tunnel Snakes.

Challenge: This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post). If Deadspin releases an article dissing the Democratic ticket, then I will post a video of myself running naked across a tennis court.