First pokemon I caught I was sitting on my toilet. I was like I hope to god this doesn’t automatically post these images somewhere... A brief pause then I caught that bulba-saur.
Sacred? Shit, are you new? I’ve seen Pokémon sex images as far back as fifteen years ago. Rule 34 is a rule for a reason.
If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.
I tell myself that maybe in another generation we can get rid of these people and mentalities. But in the mean time, let’s keep Clefairy up top at Westboro.
Well we were once their colony? I thought us Americans held the monopoly on stupidity.
Fuck this fucking idiot. What did he think this was? A Twitter poll?
Well if there’s anything nice one can say about Hitler’s comedy, it’s that he was a lot funnier than Margaret Cho.
Hitler also had a lot of fans of his work.
I think she is hilarious. Even Seinfeld seems funny around her.
But one lately gets the feeling that her politics have overpowered her sense of humor.
I like Cho and I’ve found a lot of her comedy pretty funny. But one lately gets the feeling that her politics have overpowered her sense of humor. I get it: an understandable personal dilemma. It gives her performances an exposed, vulnerable, angry quality which is perhaps insufficiently alleviated by laughs.
On the contrary, you paying to see her is hilarious.
Hard to not like and respect her for speaking out about the reality of what happened to her. But, yea, I paid to see her and it wasn’t funny
Seriously unfunny and boring? Pretty much sums up Margaret Cho.
That Cosmo Sport is one of the most beautiful objects I’ve ever seen.
She’s the worst.
randomly walked in a Margaret Cho standup act in SF. was very bad. very bad.