Clearly you have never played Desert Bus
I guess we would have to see the shit to determine that.
Get a bunch of dicks together on bikes and stupid shit happens specially when you through in a dick with a gun. Not defending the guy in the truck clearly he has some anger problems and prime example of someone who shouldn’t own a gun finger on the trigger pointed at that dude. But no sympathy for the biker.
I am notorious for very audible and hilarious(to me at least) farting situations in the office. Well one day I was feeling kinda gassy and a little off so I figured I would go to the other room to let this one go no need to make a spectacle when they smell I think the sound is funnier and chemical warfare. Any ways…
I am ambarrassed for you too.
Its called personal responsibility. No matter how many feel good laws are on the books they are reactionary. In the end you are responsible for yourself and your safety.
Yes it is ok to order delivery. If the driver and company are open they are willing to do business. Tip good and be aware there might be delays. Delivering in snow storms was my favorite. Got stuck once trying to get into a parking lot delivering a pizza and a guy in a Rav4 delivering Chinese food gave me the bump I…
Lol nah the best days to deliver is during snowstorms. I used to deliver pizzas during college for the Hut in St. Paul MN. Here are my reasons. During bad snow storm pretty much only cops, tow trucks, and delivery drivers on the road. Everyone else is either in the ditch, at home, or going home. Also tips were always…
I unfortunately lost interest in Fallout 4 about a week after getting it. I didn’t want to but it kept breaking immersion for me.
Even Bethesda is good at nearly game breaking creatures remember cliff racers? Lol "You cannot sleep while in combat." Wtf?! I am in combat? God dammit where is that son of a bitch!
An emotional idiot then.
I use to roll with Piper but she couldn't sneak every time I was sniping at some super mutants she would just sneak walk for a couple hundred meters towards them an then draw agro. She deserves bath in glowing sea.
The story by Christopher Livingston was pretty good. Lol interesting take on the game. I hope the merchants eventually show... And what will become of that dog?
I was really disappointed in Fallout 4... I have never been a Brotherhood fan. But I was like this is a new Fallout I will give them a chance so I did the first mission with Danse where you go to the rocket facility. At the point where you are at the bottom of the rocket test chamber and Synth start falling all over…
I wonder if they also used the three sea shells...
Oh man. I am not a Voyager basher but best captain? Not even the best female character. But yea better than Kirk I will give you that.
Umm I am pretty sure Leia kicked some ass in all the originals. They rescued her from prison yes.. But then she rescued her rescuers.
Yea way to consoley the thing that gets me all the time is the mouse isn’t actually what is selecting the menus there is like a menu selector thingy. You have to be patient and wait for it to find its way to highlight what you want because if you simply point and click it will select what ever it had highlighted and…
Athena: A tiny device that can alert your family and update your twitter about your sexual assault.