So it’s safe for pregnant men too?
So it’s safe for pregnant men too?
Especially if she starts to turn surly.
The husband of a Dutch friend of mine was in Parliament for a while and got to meet their queen at a reception. They were served sherry but Her Majesty confided that she would have preferred a gin. I can understand it. All that smiling and looking at things and smiling. You might as well be a little buzzed.
Hey, if you’re on a shit tonne of meds you might as well have a drink.
I’ve never watched this show, but when I came across the season premiere last night I was immediately taken in by the sheer poetry of the lines. Virtually every sentence uttered meant something else.
This is a song for which there is probably no recording anywhere, but I heard this at a concert of feminist music, opening for Chris Williamson or Margie Adam in the early Eighties. It was sung by a chorus from Boston.
I might re-try “Britannia”, as it’s an interest of mine, bt it was awfuly gory. (Oh, too bad.) I want to try Germany’s “Barbarians” - the Romans speak Latin and the Germanic tribespeople apparently speak a sort of Proto-Germanic.
In my house the original formica-topped kitchen cabinet base stood in the dining room just outside the kitchen door. It was an extension of the kitchen, holding the Cusinart, casserole dishes, medicinal herbs, seldom-used utensils. Eventually I got tired of it and moved everything inside to other places, but I do keep…
Here’s a point to ponder: 15 or 16 is too young to be charged as an adult but it’s old enough to be entrusted with operating an supersized vehicle on a public road.
Um... those folks are not Amish. I expect it will go downhill from there.
Harold and Maude: it’s Ruth Gordon, not Ruth Roman!!
I thought it was Ashley Judd. Was she supposed to play Arwen?
I started reading Dune sometime in the early 70s but it quickly got too lurid for me.
Can you fake it with Kool-Ade and salt?
Kipper snacks are a good bet. I found an unlabeled can of what was obviously kippers among my camping stuff several years ago, which meant the can had to be around 20 years old. I ate the kippers, no ill effects.
Remember Y2K (maybe not)? I started low-key stockpiling then mainly for something to do while my then-husband was terminally ill. I’ve been doing it ever since. After 20 years I left off, since the world hadn’t come to an end yet, and then oops, everyone else seemed to think the world was coming to an end and suddenly…
I wouldn’t be able to count the number of times I saw him on screen, big and small, back in our youth. Even in the unforgettable “Mars Needs Women”. I remember his interview with Rolling Stone in the Seventies when he came out. He was involved with Dignity, a nationwide organization for gay Catholics. I hope he found…
Guilty guilty guilty guilty nope guilty guilty guilty guilty.
I would expire without reading. (I’m up to 112. OK, some of them were very short...)
Even though I’ve fallen into the greys for some reason so my comments are “vox clamantis in deserto”, allow me to add my gratitude to you for this series. I’ve caught up on all the blockbusters I had never seen, even when there were way too many explosions. Some great movies, a lot I wouldn’t have watched if they…