Anne RC

70 years old, and now you tell me?

My (adult) daughter had a rosemary leaf, which is really more like a little pine needle, stuck in her throat for a week. Eventually it worked its way down.

Male equipment, maybe not, but vinegar is a time-honored ingredient in female douches.

Burritos... why not. I have fond memories of the all-in-one giant sandwiches at Primanti’s in Pittsburgh: capicola, coleslaw, french fries. It’s worth the trip.

I’ve never heard of any of the vehicles mentioned, but I’m sure I knew of him from somewhere or other besides Kill Bill.. There weren’t that many Japanese stars well-known outside of Asia.

There is a concept in the law called “mens rei” (I might have the Latin wrong), meaning “the mind of the thing”: i/.e. it makes a difference what people THINK they ae doing. If yo think you think you are shooiting an intruder and it turns out to be your teenage son, that’s not murder.

When you’ve been married a couple of times you recognize that on your honeymoon you ought to be paying attention to your new spouse, not to peripherals like the room that was wrong, the dress that was wrong, the DJ who didn’t play the right music... on and on. Someday there might be an actual serious problem in your ma

Now that my current fave shows have ended, or ended their seasons, I’ll have to return to The Crown. I’m not even up to the coronation yet! Luckily, I’ve lived through almost all of it, but it will be fun to see the purported backstory behind much of what I remember.

I am given to understand that what you get now is far stronger than what we had 40 or 50 years ago. I can’t drink vodka the way I can drink beer.

I’ve never had a good reaction with edibles, except for a CBD gummy, going back to the days of marijuana brownies. Once you’ve eaten it you can’t un-eat it even if you throw up.

That insults donkeys.

Re. Belinda: I thought with Rachel she was finally going to have the opportunity to provide emotional/spiritual healing, which she had described as her aspiraion for her proposed healing center. But then she was doing it for free, not for pay, and she was too disappointed to want to bother to follow through.

Having been married a couple of times I would have advised her that it’s not unusual to think “Holy crap, what have I done?” when you make a serious commitment like marriage, or a new job. I was really hoping she would bail; but on the other hand, you can’t just throw up your hands and quit every time things don’t

Just when you think you’ve seen it all on television...

Which were instigated by Paula, who was also an accomplice, in giving him the safe combination. Do we think he hasn’t confessed that to the authorities?

But presumably he would have to go through Honolulu to go anywhere outside the islands.

In a more conventional story his death would cause everyone to question their values, as they should have been doing all along. (“I learned something today...”)

For all we know, Rachel might walk into the waiting room with water and snacks for the trip.

Viewers keep misinterpreting “someone was killed”. Dying of an illness or an overdose is not being killed or getting killed, let alone being murdered. The death in question could be purposeful or it could be an accident. My money is on Quinn going off with the Hawaiian rowers and drowning. I hope not, though.

Am I the only person who finds this project in extremely poor taste? Wait until people are dead, for God’s sake!