Nothing so highbrow as previous responders: I skimmed through Twilight, which I had already watched, just to see one of the hot men — no, not a young vampire or werewolf, but the biology teacher (Jose Zuniga). Thank you, Expanse.
Nothing so highbrow as previous responders: I skimmed through Twilight, which I had already watched, just to see one of the hot men — no, not a young vampire or werewolf, but the biology teacher (Jose Zuniga). Thank you, Expanse.
Sounds like my friend’s Slovak grandparents who used to stray over the border into Poland to collect firewood because nobody would want an international incident.
Tech says, “Adolescent human female”, the Kaminoan calls her “she”, so...
I saw this back when it came out. Besides Walter Mattau in his prime, the most memorable part for me was the depiction of how the subway system worked: the hidden foundations of public transportation which we just take for granted. Unstoppable and Airport did the same.
I still wish I had Felicity’s furniture - nicer than mine!
It probably depends on how much Star Wars lore you are familiar with. For me, I only know what is in the movies and the TV shows. Never looked at the books, comics, or games. I’m going to watch, but if there is a lot more shooting pew-pew-pew than talking I may only be able to take it in small doses. I mainly watched…
So you’ve been to Bergen County?
Not actually a terrible idea - each time you acquire a book, put it at the end of the line.
A librarian after my own heart!
I saw this very attractively done at a Warby Parker store, but of course the books were nothing more than decoration. If you want to do this in your place of business, fine, but in your home it would scream “I am a shallow jag-off.”
I beg to differ. By-the-numbers plot, sure, but interesting characters and attractive actors. The entry I can barely manage to sit through is Attack of the Clones: explosions, more explosions, too many characters I don’t care about, no sex.
And depressing. Our high school principal tried to culturally uplift us by showing it at Friday assembly and was indignant that we teenage louts didn’t enjoy it.
To be honest, Richard Beymer in the original didn’t do much for me , either.
Civilian viewers like us get irked by the inclusion of people we have never heard of, like publicists, set designers, casting directors, executives, but you have to bear in mind that this is film’s big night, more specifically Hollywood’s big night, and it is quite appropriate to acknowledge the so-called “little…
You are correct.
The ways of Hollywood are often mysterious and they like it that way, but the voting is not done by a committee who gets together and make a unanimous decision. They never release the final count. For all we know Hopkins could have won by a few votes. I haven’t seen either film so I have no preference either way —…
So... a girl who used to be a boy? A boy who used to be a girl? A teenager? An adult? Any of the above?
It’s good. You see “Jennifer Coolidge” and expect her to be quirky and wacky, but the mother isn’t wacky at all. It’s a very subtle performance.
Wherever you are, if I come into your library I will head straight for the irresistible book sale... My community holds one twice a year, a quarter million items each time. (A much happier topic than our Schadenfreude over Nugent!)
I believe it was one of the Apollo 13 astronauts who later said that if they had been unable to return to earth or be rescued the plan was to for them to end their lives by letting the air out of the space capsule.