Anne RC

Balverian pretzels! Oh, for the cuisine of my dear home Balveria!

Also: masculinity at work. “He didn’t murder them because they were Asian, he murdered them because they were women.” Oh, all right, then.

The first of the day?

Yes, I saw that back in the day. I had no idea it had a following, but no wonder. Myself, I’d like to see The Three Lives of Thomasina (also Patrick McGoohan, but not the hero).

My very first Irish breakfast was in Belfast, at the Presbyterian War Memorial Hostel (no longer there). There were real kippers, and roast potatoes I had to cut with a knife.

The issue is not so much that the police are given more power, but that they need to do more with the power they have — as in, do your damn job.

It’s strange — I saw the Holiday Special back when it was broadcast, and all I remember about it are the Wookies’ Life Day, and Art Carney as some kind of mechanic or weapons purveyor or merchant - I don’t recall the animated bit with Boba Fett at all, or even Bea Arthur. Art Carney was having a career resurgence

I also just started a very low-key 3-days-a-week running program, as in, no actual running until week 3. This week I was supposed to run 2 minutes, walk 2 minutes, repeat 5 times. I quickly saw that 2 minutes of running would be deadly, so I did 1 minute. Hey, I’m not 45, I’m 70. On the other days I dance.

I didn’t read it when I was child, but when I was 15. My best friends and I shared the books that we had loved which the others of us hadn’t ever read, and as a result I was introduced to some great literature: the Narnia books, The Secret Garden, Elizabeth Goudge’s The Little White Horse. It’s never too late to be a

In New York the owner of a car damaged by hitting a deer (or a bear!) is allowed to take the deer, or to give it to someone else, even if it’s not hunting season.

I have heard that it’s more effective to honk at them - they comprehend the noise better than the lights.

They don’t look both ways before they cross the street.

It seems like just about every actor you’ve ever heard in the last 20 years has been on one iteration of Law and Order or another, sometimes in multiple roles. It kept them going, in between theatre gigs. Even a young neighbor of mine (proverbial aspiring actress) got to be “Person who discovers the corpse”.

I have been dutifully watching every Popcorn Champ movie that I had never seen before, sometimes suffering through them (Independence Day, Top Gun), telling myself that I was doing my cultural duty, other times grateful to be introduced to a gem. I hadn’t seen the first Pirates movie, so there were sure to be in-jokes

Being bereft of my usual sci-fi series(es) since the seasons ended I gave this one a try. Glad you explained about George Jones because I totally did not get what was going on with him. I enjoyed Riann Steele but the British connection appeared to be there solely so that she could star in the show. Will they ever get

19th-century root cellar?

Now I have to know - which one was deleted from the line-up?

I’ve been watching “Turn: Washington’s Spies” (i.e. George Washington), which is very well done and makes a point of bringing out the human cost of deception, but I’m having a heck of a time distinguishing among Benedict Arnold, John Andre, and a revolutionary officer named Talmadge (or Talbot?). They all have

I’m sure I’m the only person I know who read the book before eve seeing the movie.

I’m not crazy about people losing their jobs merely because they hold abhorrent, ludicrous views (the rioters will lose their jobs soon enough when they go to jail), but there is no arguing that for people in the public eye the rules are different. If she worked at a Pizza Hut in Greenville nobody, including Pizza Hut