
“The original felt kind of moody and dark. Mysterious, even.”
Well, it really didnt. Walking around with a BOWOW, and many more weird crazy stuff, like Goombas and yoshi doll that you could win. The game had a weird happy vibe. They really nailed it with graphics in my opinion. It’s not my favorite graphics or

You can tell how old people are by the reaction to this announcement. “WHAT? GOOMBAS IN MY ZELDA GAME?” Yes.  It happened. And it was glorious.

If you’re capable of being ‘profoundly disappointed’ by HK, then just avoid everything else forever. Because that’s a level of ‘eh this isn’t for me’ that stretches beyond reasonable criticism to the point that it isn’t worth the risk for people to suggest things to you to try.

The only thing wrong with Ord Mantell is fighting IG-88 at the end and the nightmares that resulted from that experience.

Man, worse than the prequels? I’m not trying to totally defend TFA, it had some issues for sure.. But have you watched the prequels recently? Hope you like side fades and star fades and cut away fades and whatever other fade like every scene. That alone drives me crazy.

I have a hard time taking the phrase “The Force Awakens is even worse than the prequels” seriously because just on a technical level - no. No, not remotely. Forget the content - just on a structural, thematic, and cinemagraphic basis the prequels are appallingly shot. So many staid camera set-ups, so much leaden

Yeah, 3DS only at the moment. I’d love to see it on Switch but then again I think we all want to see everything on the Switch. :D

He can read his name and shit.

Nintendoomed even when they don’t? That’s a new one

You missed “Being honest?”

I am glad im not the only person who would love to see a deep RPG set in that universe.

I immediately clicked hoping that it would be on Switch.

And this isn’t on Switch because it’s too perfect of a fit? Or would the cars be Micro-Micro Machines undocked?

Okay Hannibal Lecter, that is obviously a piece of human brain on that rice. I thought you were supposed to have that with fava beans and nice chianti.

It’s been a while but from what I remember Broken Bond was better than Rise of a Ninja because it got some of the kinks ironed out. I scratched my disc in my 360 by moving it accidentally. :/

I agree - they do incredible work, although I must admit that this morning’s string of breathless Scorpio previews (and the fact that Microsoft paid for their trip) made me raise an eyebrow.

Saw this play out over on Reddit this weekend. I really dislike this trend of moving the goalposts instead of just admitting the mistake. This seems to be a trend among the youtubers- Admit fault and amend with a BUT...

You move on from carrying sticks in your inventory after the first enemy camp. You get a pretty steady stream of weapons throughout the game, to the point that you can’t carry them all and you have to choose between dropping a light saber or leaving a flaming great sword in a chest. Weapons come like candy, just like

That one is surprisingly tough for how simple (and obvious in retrospect) it is

I totally thought it was number of points on the constellation, cycling back if too many. I felt bad for cheating XD