
“Cassius Marsh is known for tackling ball carriers as a professional linebacker, but the Seattle Seahawk’s 6’4”, 245-pound frame recently proved entirely useless in the mental athletics of Magic: the Gathering.”

“If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”

This, if you had not posted it I would have. Its the only Toyota truck I want.

If its not going to end up looking like this, I’ll pass:

It’s true - I’ve tested it. On second thought, I should do further testing.

Nope, it is a F16G. Similar pod design to the Israelis.

A well-cooked traditional English breakfast is a joy to eat.

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm

Is... is this real life?

1) buy stupidly expensive cat toy

Ballsy move, being the only guy in the stadium.

They’re doing it because this exists and rich people apparently don’t have taste.

Where will you be when diarrhea strikes?

“I’m not racist, I have a black passenger seat.”

Damn. Shut it down, folks. You win the internet today.

Let us remember this latest Bowling Green massacre.

Is the bottom part Jalopniks new motto?

I'll give you a pass on Beamish not making the list since it's not sold in the US, but no Kilkenny? Major oversight.

This one works too: