
White Josh really was the MVP this episode, especially his talk to Rebecca at the end. She knew Greg had feelings for her from White Josh but still tried to force the fairy tale ending. She really is the villain in this story as she sung so well before

I literally giggled from joy when I saw Ken Marino's lawyer character enter the room. =)

Deplorable as Jimmy's actions may be, the episode actually manages to make one believe his sabotage is noble because he doesn't do it because he hates his brother's success but because he really cares for Kim and can't stand to see HHM profit from the client she brought in. Chuck's tactics might have been legal but

Well, there still is time… ;-)

True but the name can be seen pretty detailed

Is it me or is this the first time Springfield's location within the US has been shown clearly?

Talk about a well-crafted montage…

I just found Party Down a few weeks back and binged it. Then I was sad that it had been canceled

A whole review without mentioning Root even once? Oo

"According to the meeting, Jake owes Terry (still) $1,237, Boyle $4,009, Gina $710, and Rosa $856.32."

I think B99 needs a webisode consisting solely of the game they played at the end

In the beginning of Wonderland, he is in Storybrooke and the Rabbit gets him to save Alice. So he was in Storybrooke for a long time. He never said, he didn't leave.

I disagree. Nobody said anything about deciding, it looks more like something that happened against his will. One of the few bits of information we have is that he had Alice in Wonderland with him when Emma picked him up. Maybe he is looking for a way back?

Why is no one talking about Will Scarlett? Do we ever find out what happened after Wonderland?

"but shouldn’t her super-sense be able to let her know that Rumple is lying?"
He wasn't lying. He was just leaving some things out^^

Personally, I don't understand the frustration with Rebecca as a character. I actually quite like her

I think the review is unfair to Stuart's character. He is still the same he was before but in a new situation. Out of his familiar world, i. e. his comic book store, he is simply as bad as Sheldon in reading other people and their emotions, so he just means best but can't see why Howard has such problems with him

What's the problem with an orange shoulder pad trooper? Those are just rank designations, aren't they?

I love POI but I can't second the praise for this episode. I'm not usually someone who figures out all plot twists well in advance but in this episode it was plain as day that the "thug" who is seen all the time (Mini) had to be someone important and thus most likely Dominic. Same goes for the DEA agent: Since she

Too bad, I actually liked that show.
Then again, CBS already cancelled it once…