I think it has some promise but it's too soon to tell. But then again, I prefer stories taking place after Ep III to the stuff that takes place in the prequel era, so I'm a bit biased
I think it has some promise but it's too soon to tell. But then again, I prefer stories taking place after Ep III to the stuff that takes place in the prequel era, so I'm a bit biased
The worst thing about this show: it stars Alison Brie but you can't make any Alison-Brie-Gifs from it
Shouldn't the title be changed to "P" and not "POTUS"? =)
"is there a German word for matryoshka dolls?" No, we just call them "Matroschka Puppen" (Puppen being the German word for dolls)
I just saw a still from the end of the episode. Who is Maria Martinez and why would she be such a threat to Samaritan?
True, because people would already be suspicious that they still were in business in 2014
I'm pretty sure "Professor Proton" has a PhD, not an M.D., seeing as he is a physicist.
At least he was in one scene this week.
I don't really understand the aversion against the restaurant setup. I quite liked French Stewart's Chef Rudy this week, he has some funny scenes.
Shouldn't it be "Poison Pen Pal" then?
Can someone explain the title to me? Why "pen"? Oo
Since when is Leslie the head of P&R? I thought that was Ron's job
That was my theory as well: Since the nanites apparently use code he has written, they might have developed some kind of sentience and view him as a parent figure. I do hope they are not going to screw this up by making the nanites a real character that just happens to come into being whenever a plot hole needs fixing…
I was afraid that Aaron's resurrection was going to be a bad idea and thought they should just have let him die in peace but this episode actually made good use of that idea. I loved his sarcastic response when the preacher told him it was a miracle^^
I liked Frank wondering where Country Mac always got a new beer from^^
It's probably because nowadays it seems that NBC wouldn't know a good idea if it hit them on the head with a baseball bat.
Rachel McAdams, that's who I was thinking of! I knew that actress reminded me of someone!
As for the gum: Probably because it's a fancy inn and Ted is afraid that Lily is embarrassing him by chewing gum.
She is Brenda Song: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm…
Bender's line "Then your mom should’ve bought you one" is even funnier considering that's one of the orphans from the orphanarium Leela grew up in